The government plans big changes in the Labor Code, which are to come into use in early 2026 . – Planned, the new regulations will definitely expand the definition of status of work, which will bring numerous benefits to employees, in that includes longer holidays and higher from claims – comments
Beata Tęgowska, expert for ds. accounting and payroll at Systim.pl.
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Changes on status of work
New regulations will permit first all the dollars to status of work periods worked on contracts and conducting business activities.
– This is an important change, especially for people working on so-called “junk contracts”. Thanks to this solution, many employees will gain the opportunity to take longer holidays and higher social benefits – emphasizes the expert for data. accounting and payroll.
According to new legislation, to stay work will include the following.:
- conducting business activities and periods of cooperation on such activities, if pay contributions for insurance social,
- conducting non-agricultural activities, if pay contributions for insurance retirement, pension or accident insurance,
- work on contracts contract, agreements under condition of paying pension and pension contributions,
- periods of work on the basis of activation contracts for children caring for children.
Longer laps and higher benefits
Today an employee on staff has the right to 20 days of laps per year. If however has at least 10 years of employment, the number of days of holiday increases to 26.
– Thanks to new regulations, more people will be able to achieve this threshold more quickly, because there will be included in additional periods of employment – explains Beata Tęgowska. – For many employees this means the opportunity to take faster of extended leave and higher deprivation on termination of employment. Employers from countries will have to adjust their staffing systems, to account for new regulations.- adds.
Challenges for employers and US
– New, revolutionary regulations in the Labor Code will also challenge employers. They will face the need to update human resources systems and verify the documents proving service employment. In this issue it will not be necessary to cooperate with the SUS, on which sides the issuance of certificates confirming the periods of employment and payment of contributions – considers the expert – The process will require from employers more flexibility and readiness to handle the increased number of documents. The key tool may prove there to be modern accountingsystems,whichsignificantlyimprovethemanagementofthisprocess-assesses.
Asemphasizes,the newregulationsareastepinthe directionoffairertreatmentofallemployees,dependentonformofemployment.Inheropinionemployersshouldstartpreparationsas soon as possible,tomeetnewlegal requirements.