As of 1 February 2025 year substantial changes in trade are coming into force. The new regulations increase the number of sundays in December, but at the same time guarantee employees of trade a day free on Eve. There is also working on further liberalization of the trade ban on Sundays, though at times there is no political agreement on this issue. What else does we expect?
Three sundays trade before Christmas Eve and free Christmas Eve for employees
According to new laws, three sundays before Christmas Eve will trade. This change is to facilitate consumers Christmas shopping and reduce pre-Christmas crowding in stores. At the same time workers in trade will not be able to work more than two Sundays in December, which is meant to protect their from excessive workload in the most intensive period of the year.
Another important new is establishing 24 December as a free day for all employees. This means that shops will be closed, and people employed in trade will not have to spend Vigil at work.
Signature President and controversy about the th trade Sunday
At the end of December 2024 year President Andrzej Duda signed the law on free Vigil, simultaneously directing they to the Constitutional Tribunal in the tribunal for initial control. The President has doubts about the imposition of a third additional sunday in December, arguing, that this may negatively affect the rights of trade workers.
Remember, that the biggest supporter of restriction of trade on Sundays is the president Andrzej Duda. January 30 2018 year, signing the law on restriction of trade on sundays and holidays, he said, that “the law returns normality and is a factual showing intra-social, Polish solidarity.” He then expressed confidence, that Polish people will get used to new realities, similar to that happens in other countries in the European Union, for example. in Germany or Austria, where shops are closed on Sundays.
Andrzej Duda will finish his second, five-year term in August 2025 year. Because according to the constitution he cannot run for reelection, that means that, that by that time changes in the law restricting trade on sundays are not likely. Every new law and its revisions must be finally signed by the president.
Will we wait for further liberalization of trade on sundays?
Parallel in the Sejm there is an ongoing debate on further debate.Relaxation of the trade ban on Sundays. In March 2024 year Poland Poland 2050-Third Way has submitted a project law, which provides, that instead of the current seven trade sundays in a year, stores could be opened two times in month. Workers would then have the right to double wages for work on those days.
Although the proposal has gained the support of some politicians, there is no unanimity on this issue. Critical are also representatives of the largest trade networks. Wlodzimierz Wlaźlak, head of Lidl chain in Poland, in an conversation with Pulse Business has described the idea of two trade sundays in a month as “the worst scenario.” His opinion consumers will be confused, when stores are open, and when not.
Remember, that behind us already the first Sunday of trade in 2025 year. The following sundays trade fall in th year on:
- 13 April,
- 27 April,
- 29 June,
- 31 August,
- 7 December,
- 14 December
- 21 December.
System caucus only from October 2025 year
Another significant change, that was to come in to life as from January 2025 year, is the implementation of the caucus system in stores. However, this deadline has been postponed to October, which gives the industry more time to prepare for the new obligation.
What does these changes mean to consumers?
For customersthenewregulationsmeanfirstmoreavailabilityofstoresinDecember,whichmayeasepre-Christmasshopping.FreeChristmasEveison the other handa nodtoworkersintrade,whowillbe ableto spendthisdaywithfamily.
Whattofuturetradeonsundays-muchdependsonfurtherworkintheSejmanddecisionsbythepresident.Forthismomentconsumersshouldpreparefornewrules,whichwillbeginapplyingas earlyasfromFebruary.