Zalando is changing the return policy. The e-commerce platform with fashion has a dominant advantage over other sellers thanks to the possibility of returning ordered products in 100 days. Now customers will
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Zalando is making available a new payment form
Zalando, the popular internet store with clothing, shoes and accessories, is changing returns policy. From 3 February returns of purchased products will be able only with 30 days. Till there was a refund only 100 days, which constituted for customers one of the advantages of making purchases.
“We are implementing this change in order to improve the availability of goods for our customers. This will help us to offer a wider assortment and enable faster return availability of products on our website” – explains Zalando.
The new rule may meet with dissatisfaction of consumers, but in the longer perspective it is expected to improve the shopping experience. Faster rotation of goods, especially in popular sizes, causes the assortment to become more extensive.
“As a customer-oriented company we regularly and accurately analyze their needs and preferences. We have noticed, that over 90 proc. of their returns products in the first 30 days. What more, shorter return time increases the availability of articles to all users of our platform. Being considering that this change does not impact significantly the shopping behavior of customers, and at the same time improves their experience, we decided to adjust our policy. Additionally it will allow us to test new features, which will make shoppingonZalandomoreconvenientandpleasant.We believethatthischangewillbenefitallourcustomers” -readsinthemessagesent tothemedia.