Prices of Danish archlings without correction
Notes on the Danish archlings exchange this week have not changed rates.
Warchlaks of PRRS negative status are valued at 400.00 DKK/unit, for status of PRRS positive at 380.00 DKK/piece. The rates apply to breeders of weight 30 kg.
Compared to prices from analogous period last year (week 05) the current rates for archers are lower by 195 DKK/piece. With both in comparison to last week the current rates have
not changed.
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prices has slowed
Current prices of Danish archers (23.01 .2025)
- The rate for archers of PRRS negative status is 400.00 DKK/unit, that is, 226.16 PLN/unit, towards 228.48 £/unit in last week.
- The rate for archers of PRRS positive status is 380.00 DKK/unit, i.e. 214.85 £/unit, against 217.06 £/unit in the last week.
- The rate for archers of conventional status is 355.00 DKK/unit, i.e. 200.72 £/unit, take 202.78 PLN/unit in last week.
1 DKK = 0.5654 PLN (according NBP of day 23.01.2025 year)
The rates stated will apply in Dania for the next week.
Must remember, that to the rates provided are added the bonus for the producer of piglets, a in the import also
the costs of transport.
Check up-to-date quotes for prices for piglets!
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