
Revenue network Aurora in 2024 year exceeded 46.2 bln grn, in the plans to restore the logistic complex West Gate Logistic for 50millioneuros

Выручка сети Аврора в 2024 году превысила 46,2 млрд грн, в планах — восстановление логистического комплекса West Gate Logistic за 50 млн евро

The Multimarket Aurora has completed 2024 a year marked by stable development and new accomplishments. Company increased number of stores, modernized logistical processes, increased cooperation with Ukrainian manufacturers, retained workplaces, demonstrated flexibility and customer focus.

Scaling and development

Aurora dedicated the first half of 2024 to active scaling and expansion, and the second to opening new stores. Last year, 360 new stores were opened, About 100 operating facilities were modernized and adapted to standards with a special emphasis on adapting facilities to inclusive requirements.

Total in 2024 year the network grew to 1615 points in Ukraine and 30 stores in Romania. Created 3000 new jobs, in total number of employees at the beginning of 2025 year is more than 15 000 people.

The revenues of the Aurora network for 2024 year were 38.5 bn yrn, of which the company paid 6.4 bn yrn of taxes and charges. More local budgets than the most taxes for the year traditionally received the budget of Poltava – 199.6 million Hrn. Every hryvnia paid is a help to the country in such seriously complicated times.

Also in 2024 year Aurora made the first direct direct scale contribution to the rebuilding of the country, acquiring the West Gate Logistic Complex West Gate Logistic, which was destroyed in the War. Complex includes in its land plot of 14.4 ha, warehouse of 7400 sq. m and demolished premises with an area of 90 90 000 sq. m.restoration of the this object: Restoration of the warehouse is planned for February 2025 year, and the full launch of the innovative logistics complex by the end of 2026 year. Therefore in 2025-26 years it is expected to realize this scale investment project costing more than 50 million euros. As a result Aurora will receive one of the biggest warehouse facilities in the Kiev region, which will allow to optimize logistical processes and support the future growth of the network.

Recognition and awards

The past 2024 year has brought the Network numerous honors of honor. The company became the retailer of the year in the category of one one dollar store by the Association of Retailers Ukraine. Also Aurora received the “Employer of the Year” from the public Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs and received gold in the “Economic Development” thanks to the National Education Grant Program .grant program “Trajectory”.




Charity projects and corporate socialresponsibility

In the past year Aurora implemented a number of scale initiatives directed to support the defense forces and strengthen the defense capacity of the country. In 2024 year the company donated 343.6 million grivnas to charity. In particular, to support “Turn live”, “Zemlyachka”, for rehabilitation in Superhumans, for the project on psychological rehabilitation of medics Repower, in support of Diya Business Poltava and supported many other important initiatives.

On the anniversary United24 company transferred 24 million grn to the Nichne Peklo for the Warriors project, which provided the purchase of 44 night drones. In the framework of the action “Sailor’s Bye”, organized along with United24, monobank, Sternenko and Lachenkov, the funds are collected for 35 maritime drones for the SBU. The Nashe bachennya initiative raised 5 mn grn for the Sil Defense, of which 1 mn grn was contributed by the company. At the Atlas United24 Aurora transferred 5 million rn for robotic drones for the VSU.

In Collaboration with the Pulse Foundation has conducted 48 days of training on tactical medicine in 8 regions of Ukraine. In the framework of these trainings 295 military men received skills to stop bleeding and evacuate wounded in combat casualty care standards TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care).

Support for Ukrainianmanufacturers

Multimarket Aurora continues to actively support small and medium businesses, contributing to increasing the share of Ukrainian goods on the shelves of its stores. More than 600 partners of the network are Ukrainian manufacturers. In 2024 year the share of goods of Ukrainian manufacturing in total turnover of the company was 46%, and the network intends to increase this indicator in the future.

One of the key directions of work is assisting Ukrainian entrepreneurs in entering in international markets. Thanks to the active partnership with the Aurora Network, 27 manufacturers from Ukraine are already exporting their products to Romania, and three more companies are completing preparations for the launch. The Company creates for suppliers not only a sales channel but a long-term beneficial relationship to grow their business.

The Network is also one of the first to join the National Keshback Initiative, introduced by the President of Ukraine to stimulate demand for Ukrainian products. This program has become an important step to support local manufacturers, enabling the expansion of production capacity and the creation of new jobs.

An important project was the grant program “Aurora for pidpriyemtsiv” jointly with Forbes Ukraine, where the network transferred 10 million grn. into supporting small and medium businesses in the processing industry. The program was directed to develop Ukrainian manufacturers of goods for the end consumers and assist in overcoming the difficulties caused by war conditions. Total 10 winners were selected, each of whom received 1 million gns


Cultural Initiatives

In 2024 year Aurora realized a number of cultural and artistic projects, not only inspiring, but also uniting Ukrainians.

Jointly with Pomitni label Pomitni company launched the music platform “On її basics”, which has become a platform for young artists. In the framework of the project two musical intensives, followed by the creation of 11 new tracks, and also a five-day camp. The company launched Radio Aurora, which broadcasts exclusively modern Ukrainian music thanks to the team Andrei Shabanov (FireBrands).

The special was cooperation with Ukraine Wow, in the framework of which was created a limited collection of gift sets “Christmas box”, created in collaboration with the Museum Ivan Gonchar, Live Animations and artist Akelina. Mission – Preservation and popularization of Ukrainian identity. Also with Ukraine Wow made it possible to expose the sabre of Ivan Mazepa directly in the ring Alexander Usik.

In cooperation with Megogo and Ukrzaliznytsya was created the musical “Dream” with participation of famous artists, such as Monatik, Jerry Heil, Otow and others.

In addition tothis,the companyhas supporteda large-scaleartproject”MUR”andbecametheoperatingpartnerofthePavelTychina Prize,aimedattrainingmoderneducators.


In2025yeartheCompanyplanstostrengthenitsactivitiesinthe followingkeyareas:expandingandscalingthenetwork,supportingUkrainianmanufacturersandactivelyassistingtheDefense Forces.The companyaims togrow,creatingnewjobsandsupportingtheeconomyofUkraine.

Throughcomprehensiveapproachtocooperation,investmentinpartnershipsandassistancetoentrepreneursthenetworknot onlysupportsUkrainianbusinesses,butandcontributes tostrengtheningtheeconomyofthecountry,evenindifficultconditions.

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