The company VMG Constantinov, which is manufacturing furniture and working wood, is struggling with difficulties. In 2024 year it planned to lay off 100 employees, but thanks to new orders it has been able to temporarily maintain employment. Now however the company has notified to the Provincial Office of Labor the intention to conduct group layoffs, which will cover 50 people – writes tulodz.pl.
This doesn’t mean however, that the reduction of posts is prejudiced.
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Increase of minimum pay does not stay in line with the economic condition of the country
The furniture sector is struggling not only with increasing energy prices, but also with increasing labor costs, resulting from the increase in minimum wage.
– I understand, that everyone wants to earn more, but this should be done in a reasonable manner. Unfortunately, the increase in minimum wage does not match the economic condition of the country. Employers are facing an increasing financial lux – costs fixed are growing faster than revenue – assesses Agnes Rzempala-Chmielewska from the Wielkopolska Izba Industrial and Commercial Chamber, quoted by tulodz.pl.
Entrepreneurs point out, thatifthissituationremains,othercompaniesmayfacethenecessityofreductionofemployment.
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