More and more seniors choose continuing work as a way to keep active, develop personal and supplement the home budget. This trend is clearly visible in statistics, in the last eight years the number of working retirees increased by 48.4%1, reaching the number of 854 thousand people. Among these dominate women,
who constitute 57.8% of employed seniors.
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Threatens this millions of People. This is about retirement
Seniors remain active
Poland Agency Development Entrepreneurship (PARP) published report “Working retirees and persons of age around retirement.” from which shows that seniors and more often choose working activity as a way to maintain the rhythm of living.
According to data from the Social Security Administration, the average age of working retirees is 67.3 years. Men work on average until 68.9 years, while women end working activity slightly earlier, because at 66.1 years. Data this indicates, that age is not an obstacle – on the contrary, it often is perceived as a moment to use their experience in new roles professionally.
Work on retirement – who wants to continue their career?
According to research Coalition Secure in Work2 almost 39% of people, who already work or actively seek employment, plan further career after reaching retirement age. Among their motivations we find both financial issues, and the need to be active. Work is a way for they to give day sense and an opportunity for personal development.
Seniors emphasize, that work is not only an obligation, but also an opportunity to fulfill their passions. For many this is the moment, to develop their skills and act in areas that interest them. This approach shows, that seniors and more often perceive retirement as a new stage, and not the end of careers.
How companies support the Silver Generation
More and more companies recognize the value of hiring retirees and implement strategies supporting their activity at work. An example is.A flexible approach to working time, enabling seniors to adjust working hours to their needs, which fosters balance between vocational and private lives. Another solution is the creation of multi-generational teams, where the experience of older employees is combined with the innovative approach of younger ones, which increases efficiency and innovation of organizations.
Additionally, some enterprises offer mentoring programs in which retirees share their knowledge and experience with younger colleagues. Such initiatives do not only support the professional development of younger workers, but also enable seniors to further activity and feel needed.
The growing number of working retirees is proving, that age isnotan obstacletoconductinganactivelifeworking.Seniorsalsooftentreatworkasawaytorealizetheirpassions,keepactiveandmaintainsocialcontacts.MoreinformationtofindinthereportPARP.
[1]: https://www.zus.pl/documents/10182/5859776/Pracujacy+emeryci+XII+2023.pdjf/3dbb7635-6975-1fd6-864e-875524d7c1aa?t=1717488357748
[2]: https://bezpieczniwpracy.pl/wpcontent/uploads/2022/11/Raport_Bezpieczenstwo_Pracy_w_Polsce_2022.pdf