5 February 2025 year at 10:30 in within the business program of the international exhibition “Prodexpo-2025” portal Retail.ru in cooperation with and Agency rational practices and methods for business will hold special session: “Product on shelf! How to simplify the path to retail networks?”. The event will feature representatives of O’Key, Metro Russia, Commandor, Yandex Lavka, X5 Group, OPEN Group and other companies. Register, to visit the conference!
Photo: Retail.ru
On conference experts retail market will share analysis, technologies working with shelf and effective strategies for FMCG-business, and also answer to actual questions of cooperation with networks. The event will be held with support of Open Group and firm “1C”.
Speakers of the Special Session:
Dmitri Trifonov, co-founder of Research Company NTech
Dmitri Pachin, commercial director, trading network O’Kay
Daniel Krinochkin, head of the division of dual storage “Metro Russia”
Elena Nefedovskaya, director of formats “Alley” (hypermarkets) and “Good” (discounters), GK “Komandor”
Ekaterina Dolganova, head of STM “Yandex Lavka”
Dmitry Osolovsky,Director of transformation business OPEN Group
Maksim Arefiev, Director of interaction with business associations and communities, X5 Group
Yulia Tikhanova, director of category management categories “Fruit” and “Vegetables”, trade chain “Pyatyorochka”
Alexander Vagin, CEO Supermarket Branding
For more details with program of the conference and topics of speeches can be found on the event page.
Participation in the event is free, but you must pass pre- registration. Organizers of the session will send confirmation ofparticipationby 3Februaryand havethe rightto suspendregistrationiftheroom is full.
Pleaseattention! TogetintoExpocentre,attendeesneedtohaveaticketto Prodexpo.Itcanbereceivedby registeringon