Experts of the brand of household appliances Starwind have conducted a survey, according to the results of which 9% of Russians never go to restaurants and prefer homemade food. In the research took part 1320 residents of large and small cities in Russia. It turned out that a quarter of the surveyed spends more than 20% of their income on going to restaurants and cafes.
Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB/Shutterstock/Fotodom
Majority of Russians goes to restaurants weekly (38%) or monthly (27%). The most common reasons – meeting with friends (55%), wanting to change the environment (52%) and celebrating special events (23%). Only 3% of respondents eat in restaurants daily. It is noteworthy that restaurant food is most frequently chosen in Moscow and St. Petersburg (24% and 12% respectively). Only 2% of the residents of large cities with populations from 500 thousands to 1 million share this approach. In the same time time the residents of smaller cities with a More than half of half spend no more than 10% of their budget (55%), every fourth – to 20%. And only 2% – to half of their income. And more often those residents of the capital (9%) responded. Another 12% of people over 2-3 years have started to order prepared dishes at home, and a 6% have transferred to semi-finished products. Cooked meals are increasingly popular among people in large cities with populations from 500 thousands to 1 million, which is related to the active development of servicesdelivery. A among the residents of Moscow and Majority of survey respondents prefer to cook at home because of savings (67%). Among the reasons also often mentioned are preparation for holidays and meetings with guests (35%), the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a healthy lifestyle (31%), the ability to follow recipes from blogs of professional professional providers (30%). Another 27% noted that they started to cook more at home, as they had their domestic equipment, which makes this work easier. Every fifth person just loves home food and doesn’t see the need to visit restaurants. Many survey participants noted that their attitudes to home and restaurant meals have significantly changed over the recent time. For example, 19% have become healthy eaters, 45% began experimenting with differentrecipes,and 22%aremore oftenpreparingexquisitedishes,almostasin