
RESEARCH | In Estonia a third of people of working age don’t have enough money to saveforapension

ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ | В Эстонии трети людей трудоспособного возраста не хватает денег, чтобы копить на пенсию

Total voluntary voluntary pension funds in the last year have increased significantly, and more people recognize the need for pension savings – number of people, joining the third pension step, increased by 17 17 200, up to 220 000 in last year, but the majority of people of working age are still not saving money for the third step. But one-third of people not saving for pension say they cannot save money for older age.A survey conducted in last year by the research company Norstat on the call Luminor, showed that the situation of the people in Estonia is approximately the same situation , as and in Lithuania, where 29% of
people declared that they cannot allow themselves to save money for pensions. In Latvia this indicator is even higher – 39%. According to fund manager of the Luminori pensionifondid Vahur Madisson, Financial Position is the biggest obstacle for people in the age 40-49 years – 37% of people do not have enough
money to save for pension. In the younger age groups this share is less than 30%, and in the age group 50-65 years – 32%. “It is somewhat disconcerning that such a large percentage of people who are in the older strength. cannot allow themselves to save money, even though this is the most suitable time to provide themselves a pension,” says Wahour Madisson. “If a 40-year-old person who receives the average wage today in Estonia,
would save about 6% of his wage, or 100 euros per month, then his investment in the third stage would be more 70 70 000 euros over 25 years, accounting for the long-term averageannualprofitability.” At the same time, in the words
of Madison, it is quite clear, that the rapid increase in prices in all spheres of life in the last years in coupled with the already existing and imminent taxes has troubled many people’s ability to save money for the future. “However there is a positive moment: in the last years interest in people’s interest in saving for pensions has increased, and as
in the increase in contributions to the second step, as and in the plan of savings in the third stage, says the fund manager of Luminori pensionifondid. “Everyone should think about pension, regardless of age, and you can start with small amounts the most important thing is to develop the
habit and think about the future.” Often reviewing and optimizing the daily spending can help to form the habit of saving. “For example, consider thinking abandoning some services, such as streaming broadcasting or a paid application for smartphones, which you
have used only one time or very frequently,” says Madisson. The Survey also showed that, besides economic conditions, 33% of people cited the reason for not saving as a lack of faith in that, that the third step is a safe and profitable investment. And first the most skeptical are the age group 40-49 years – 43%. “Fear of the
third step as an insecure investment is certainly unfounded. Fund managers invest funds in both the world, and the Baltic money markets. The significant in this relationship was 2024 year, when the total volume
of Estonian funds of the third stage increased by 45%, up to 890million euros, thanks to favorable global winds in the world financial markets, said the fund manager of Luminori pensionifondid. Research Norstat conducted a survey last year on the commission of Luminor on pension savings in
allthreecountriesintheBaltic region.InEstonia1003peopleintheagefrom18to65years weresurveyed.Investmentsinthepensionfundcouldprovidethepayownerwithbothprofits,andlosses,andthere isnoguaranteethattheinvestedinthepensionfundwillremainintactorgrow.Pastperformanceofpensionfundsisnotapromiseoranindicationoffutureperformance.Ifyouneedtoseekadvicefromaspecialist.Address.

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