
Requests a reinforcement of the “Lifosa” intrusionpermit

Prašo sugriežtinti „Lifosos“ taršos leidimą

After the National Public Health Centre (NVSC) found repeated violations of vapour emission at the company “Lifosa”,The ice moved – the NVSC applied to the Environmental Environmental Enforcement Agency which already undertook a review of the Lifosa permit issued.

Requires vapour test once per three months


after reverse inspection,The requirements of the non-resident and the continued to get the company to remove the violations and that makes their life much more difficult.

“After review of the conditions within 20 working days of receiving the information,The Agency will prepare a decision on the obligation to change the permit and direct the physical or legal person to within not less than 20 working days and not than 30 working days of the time to submit an application to the Agency.Upon receipt of the application, the Agency will execute the exchange in accordance with the procedure established in the Environment Environment Security Agency Regulation .

The NWSC Kaunas Department has submitted a request to initiate an amendment of the TIPK Permit by setting a additional condition of the management of liquors : once per quarter to period per quarter per per quarter per per to period to perform laboratory testing of sources of discharge of emission emit emitters.

J. Endrike

In the meantime, the National Public Health Centre has clarified what changes will be in the Lifosos Pollutants Integrated Prevention And Control Implementation.

“The Department of Kaunas of the NHSC has submitted a request to initiate an change in the IPPC Permittal to with an including an additional condition on the management of liquids in : one time per quarter to conduct laboratory studies of source of discharge of emission emission from emitting indicators , said J.J. Endrike.

Deadline – by March 20

When something “Lifos” is issued for settlement by March 20 . If and then the violationsremain,thecompanywillbethreatenedwiththestoppageofoperations.”

“Ifandthenthewithin the timeframe given byour,thecompanywillnottakeanythingandwillagainbeimposedon thecompanyandwillbesubmittedtotheEnvironmentalProtectionAgencytohaveitslicenserevoked”,the-NSChas stated.

Ifthree timesoveroneyearatanenterprisethreetimesviolationsaredetected,The NVSCshall initiate the suspension of theissuance of thetariffifthismeans thattheundertakingshallbeunavailableforfiveyears.

Thecompanyitselfrefuses to comment on the situation.

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