Analysts constantly conduct various research – analyses and try to provide us with interesting insights on investment. This time our focus is on the global gold market capitalisation and GDP relationship.
The ratio of global gold market capitalisation to global gross product ratio in 2024 reached a precedented level of 16.7 percent. This ratio has doubled over the last ten years and since 2000 years has jumped four fold.
The nominal value of the gold market is almost the highest of all time – about 18.5 trillion dollars. So is that now the average annual return of 2000 years of gold is 9.5 percent, therefore it is one of the best basic asset classes of this age according to the indicator .
Since 2024 years ago the price of gold has reached a new all time high and has increased by third. Since thisyeartheinitialpriceofthismetalinAmericandollar termshasnowincreasedbyaboutfivepercent.