Reese’s, the brand of candy is increasing its presence in the Polish market, which is still open to innovative products. SRG International, the exclusive distributor of The Hershey Company in Poland and in selected countries in Europe, announces investments and development of distribution in Poland.
Thanks to sweet taste and cult cups with butter nuts, Reese’s is the brand of sweets, which will hurk love chocolate. Now the brand has a chance to win the hearts of Polish consumers – we read in the community.
Position market and ambitious development plans
SRG International has been in Poland for over 2 years. In this time has built the foundations for development of the portfolio of the Hershey Company.
– the Poland market is for our strategic direction of development in Europe. We see there great potential, especially in the middle shelf, where consumers are looking for high quality products and are open to world brands – says Wouter Schepers, director general of SRG International for Europe.
SRG International has in Poland a distribution center located in Czestochowa, a in the next 12 months plans to expand its sales team and significantly increase outlays on marketing activities.
– Our plan plans to increase our presence in sales networks and significantly increase inputs on marketing activities. Priority is expansion in network retail and development of the product portfolio, to meet the changing preferences of Polish consumers – Schepers explains.
Offer products for the Polish consumer
Polish consumers can already find on store shelves products Reese’s and Hershey’s. From classic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in various sizes and flavors – also in white chocolate and mini cups, after Reese’s baths, such as Reese’s Sticks and Reese’s Overload. The offer also includes products of Hershey’s brands – Cookies ‘n’ Creme and Hershey’s Kisses.
Poles love peanut butter
Research* The Hershey Company has shown, that Poles are among the most love of peanut butter in Europe. What more, it was in Poland that had the highest willingness to purchase products of the brand in all European markets.
– Our plans for Poland are long-term. The Hershey Company constantly introduces innovative products, and SRG International does all efforts, to be easilyavailable to Polish consumers. Our commitment to development in the Polish market has a long-term character. We will systematically develop the product portfolio and increase the accessibility of the Reese’s brand to Poland – Schepers adds.
*Source: NetQuest, “International Peanut Butter Consumption Study” (November 2023), on commission The Hershey Company.
O SRG International
SRG International is the distributor of FMCG in Europe, specializing in developing brands and premium products. The company, with headquarters in Dutch Oud Gastel, acts as exclusive distributor of many world brands, including The Hershey Company. With retail turnover exceeding 400 million euros, the company operates a network of over 100 thousand sales points in 72 countries.
SRG International concentrates mainly on sweets and snacks (67,9% of its business) andbeveragesandfood(32.1%),collaboratingwithleadingworldproducers.ThroughninebranchesinEurope,the companyprovidestrade partnerswith servicesindevelopmentsales,marketingandlogistics,specializinginbuildingpositionspremiumbrandsinEuropeanmarkets.