Record prices of wheat in India
– Supplies of wheat in market are limited. Even after paying record prices, mills are not able to secure sufficient quantity of flour, to work with full performance – said agency Reuters Ajay Goyal, Director Managing Shivaji Roller Flour Mills.
Obecnie wysokie ceny pszenicy prawdopodobnie bedą także oddziaływać na inflację oraz mogą wpłynąć na decyzję banku centralnego w sprawie obniżek stóp procentowych
Indie chcą zwiększyć dostępność ziarna
W grudniu Indie obniżyły limit magazynowania zapasów pszenicy dla handlowców i młynarzy tak, to increase availability of grain and lower prices. Unfortunately these restrictions on not much have come and not lower prices, which have settled around 33 thousand rupees (384.66 dollars) per ton in New Delhi. For comparison in April the tick of wheat was 24 thousand grupees. Hyped actions, aimed at establishing a limit on stocks, have not lowered prices, which may, according Reuters, indicates that scarce
stocks are still in the hands of private players.
Indian Corporation ds. Food (FCI) every week sells 100 000 tons of wheat to wholesalers, but this is not enough, to satisfy demand in the domestic market, because sales to private players are declining. Supplies of wheat in Indian state warehouses had reached 20.6 million tons at early December, slightly more than in the previous year 19.2 million ton, but significantlybelowthefive-yearaverageof29.5millionton.
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