
Разработчик ветропарков подал в суд на местное самоуправление

Разработчик ветропарков подал в суд на местное самоуправление

The developer of wind parks TMV Green OÜ has filed a appeal to Tartu Administrative Court to the Vinni Municipality. The Company requests the revocation of two decisions according to which the Village Council refused

to initiate a detailed plan for wind parks. Illustrative photo. Illustrative photo. Photo: Sander Sander Ilvest / Postimees

The developer of windparks TMV Green OÜ has filed a complaint to Tartu Administrative Court to Village Vinnie. The Company requests the revocation of

two decisions according to which the Village Council refused to initiate a detailed plan for wind parks.

“Ignoring the opinion of the community in the early stages of development created a favorable ground for conflicts, which now have to resolve, – said the chairwoman of the Vinnie Vinnie Evelyn Poolamets. – – Our mission as members of the Civic Assembly is to represent the interests of our voters and communities, not to be naive puppets businessmen of the wind power industry. While protecting the interests of our community, we need to be involved in the litigation.”

In its complaint TMV Green OÜ points out, that in the General plan of the Vinnie Village has suitable areas for windpark development, and the company began designing the windpark a few years ago, based on the assumption that Vinnie is interested in developing wind energy in its area. “The applicant (TMV Green OÜ – primary editorial) has not been presented no draft administrative act, no any other legal or factual justification, toon the basis of which the power could arbitrarily reject the implementation of theapprovedcommonplan.The applicantcould notin the slightest degreeforeseethisturn of events,

 statedin thecomplaintsubmittedtotheTartuAdministrativeCourt.

The applicantcould notin the slightest degreeforeseethis turn of events.

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