- COBORU has published "Preliminary results of variety yields in post-registration experiments" for winter rapeseed for 2024.
- How did rapeseed yield in the COBORU research and which varieties coped best with factors limiting yield?
From the beginning of the harvest, we reported that winter rapeseed yields were not the best. We then wondered what caused the yields to be lower than expected. We have pointed out many negative factors, and considerations on this topic can be read, among others, in the materials below.
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Fertilization and rapeseed yield in 2024. The season is assessed by prof. Szczepaniak
Lower yields are also confirmed by this year's yields achieved as part of Post-Registration Variety Experiments (PDO), which COBORU conducts every year. A few days ago, "Preliminary results of variety yield in post-registration experiments" for winter rapeseed for 2024 were published.
The results come from registry or exploratory experiments. According to COBORU, the research was conducted using an average level of agrotechnics, with limited use of fungicides and growth regulators. Yield results come from 29 experiments (one experiment was disqualified during the growing season).
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Rapeseed yield was the lowest in three years
The model in 2024 was the following varieties: Derrick, Kuba, DK Excited, and this year it was estimated at a yield of 39.2 dt/ha. For comparison, in 2023 the standard returned 44.5 dt/ha, and in 2022. 49 dt/ha (varieties: Derrick, Gemini, DK Excited, LG Arnold).
Based on these data, it can be concluded that, on average, rapeseed yielded 0.53 tonnes lower compared to 2023 and less than 1 tonne less than in 2022. '
However, this is not a constant value taking into account regional differences. Seed yield was calculated at 9% humidity.
The varieties in the tables included in the publication are arranged within separate groups (population and hybrid varieties), and then according to decreasing yield in 2024.
It is worth noting that some of the varieties in the tables, especially those in the top places, and in the case of hybrid varieties, the results come from 9 registered experiments. This means that new varieties with new genetic potential have made a name for themselves this season and may play a major role in the next ones.
The most fertile population rapeseed varieties in 2024.
Following COBORU, we provide excerpts from PDO research. COBORU tested only 7 varieties this year. The population varieties in 2024, relative to the established standard, yielded below the standard at the level of approximately 92-91% of the standard. Only one variety, Telly, stood out from the rest, yielding 96% of the standard, and its yield results come from only 9 registered experiments.
Fragment of PDO winter rapeseed 2024 Source: COBORU
The most fertile hybrid varieties of winter rapeseed in 2024.
For COBORU, we also publish a fragment of the yield of hybrid varieties that achieved the highest results this year. The podium was dominated by new varieties, but it is worth noting that they come from 9 locations and registry tests. These varieties (LG Avenger, LID Invicto, Hiberia) yielded respectively: 118, 115, 114 of the standard. The first variety with full results is the KWS Lauros variety (113% of the standard), which took 4th place. Varieties from the CCA catalog also appear on the list. It is worth noting that as many as 53 varieties yielded above or within the standard limit. In 2024, COBORU tested as many as 83 hybrid varieties under the PDO.
Fragment of PDO winter rapeseed 2024 Source: COBORU
Fragment of PDO winter rapeseed 2024 Source: COBORU
We encourage you to read the entire publication, available on the COBORU website.