In a week and a half, from 9 September, due to railway repairs, the train schedule in the direction of Aegviidu, Rakvere, Narva, Tartu, Valga, Koidula/Piusa will change. On the Tallinn-Tartu route, passengers will have to use replacement buses on the Tamsalu-Tartu section for six days in September. “The restrictions caused by the repairs on the Lagedi-Raasiku section will increase travel times somewhat,” said Elron Commercial Director Mariis Adamberg. For the most part, the differences from the current schedule are minor, generally within 5-10 minutes. “Since repairs will also be carried out on the Tamsalu-Tartu section, passengers travelling in the direction of Tartu will have to use replacement buses on this section for six days in September,” Adamberg added. The changes will also affect the departure times of the two morning Pääsküla-Tallinn services, which will depart a few minutes earlier. At the same time, Ärileht inquired about how the railway company plans to ensure that replacement buses quickly transport people to their destinations not only during scheduled maintenance, but also in the event of unforeseen infrastructure breakdowns. As happened last Friday, August 23, when the electrical cable that ensured the movement of trains was broken during repairs in Tabivere, as a result of which passengers on the Tallinn-Tartu service arrived at their destination several hours later than planned.