On August 20, the objection from the Ostankino Meat Processing Plant (OMPK), which challenged the registration of the Sosisony trademark, will be considered by the board of the Chamber of Patent Disputes, Vedomosti writes. Currently, this brand belongs to the Meat Gallery (part of the Abi group).
Oksana Mizina/Shutterstock/Fotodom
The application of OMPC (produces more than 100 types of products under the Ostankino trademark, it also owns the brands “Papa Can”, “Soviet Heritage”, “Korovino”), challenging the registration of the “Sosisony” trademark, was filed at the end of June of this year in response to Abi’s request to remove the word “sausage” from advertising of the plant’s products.
“Abi considers the protection of intellectual property a priority and intends to defend its rights,” said a representative of the group.
The disputed trademark was registered more than 12 years ago for a wide range of goods and services and has licensing agreements. The chances of success will depend on the applicant's evidence, particularly the availability of a consumer survey of knowledge of a particular brand. If the trademark is not known to the audience, this may indicate that the brand owner is not using it, which means its protection may be terminated.
The Chamber of Patent Disputes is a structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Institute of Industrial Property" subordinate to Rospatent, which carries out actions for registering intellectual property in Russia. An objection is an appeal that the applicant submits to the Chamber of Patent Disputes with a request to review the decision of the administrative body – Rospatent. The main difference between such a statement and a claim is that it is considered not by a court, but by a panel of a chamber of three experts.
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