
Quick action in reduction emissions are key for breeders.

Szybkie działania w zakresie redukcji emisji są kluczowe dla hodowców

Future of agriculture in consideration of climate challenges

Support for reduction of emissions in animal production raises many emotions, often resulting from insufficient knowledge. Similarly it was during the introduction of animal welfare programs, which today are considered a success. There were over 120 thousand applications submitted, of the most of which came from breeders of cattle. This proves that environmental initiatives can be beneficial for farmers, as and for the environment, as highlights the Polish Association

of Meat Cattle Producers in the Campaign LoweKrowe.

Emissions from agriculture in Poland have fallen.

This other industry is destroying the environment

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Emissions from agriculture in Poland

have fallen. It is another industry destroying the environment

In assessment of PZPBM, analogously is with the new proposed program to support reduction emissions in breeding animals. This is a key complement to activities, which prepare agriculture for future challenges. The CSRD directive imposes on large companies an obligation to report the impact on the environment in the ESG framework, including emissions of gases of warming. The obligation has been introduced through an amendment of the Accounting law and is under control of the Ministry of Finance. Dominant large enterprises, such as banks, trading networks of agricultural and food products, processors of milk and those have adopted the goal of decarbonization for 2050 year. and will have to from th this year exert pressure on their suppliers – including farmers, to report systematic movement to achieve the goal.

“In practice it may appear that a farmer, who goes to the bank for credit, hears the question, what action he is taking to protect the climate, what is his carbon footprint. If does not take any action, the credit will not get or will get on worse conditions” – explains PZPBM.

It also threatens to restrict markets for sale from trade networks. That’s why so important is, to start support, which will prepare farmers for these challenges, as adds the Association.

– that’s why we propose toIntroducing ecoscheme “Payment for reduction of emissions of plant gases (GHG) in high quality animal production” in the Plan Strategic for

Common Agricultural Policy as complement Ecoscheme Welfare of animals. It is a step necessary and in order to meet the assumptions of

European regulations, the needs of the agricultural sector, but and social expectations in protection of the environment and climate

– explains Jerzy Wierzbicki, president of the Polish Association of Beef Meat Producers.

Ziaja: Without Cows No Meat Butter. Fight with methane has its price

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Ziaja: Without cows no makes butter. Fighting with methane has its price

The growing pressure of the market requires reasonable allocation of resources

PZBM emphasizes, that new ecoschemicals will not receive support from other programs of the Strategic Plan.

“Existing unutilized funds planned from beginning to support animal production may be directed to build competitive powers in meat and milk production. Poland has a opportunity to follow the footsteps of leaders in this field, after the example of Australia, where the goal of neutrality in producing beef by 2030 year.The increasing pressure on the market, resulting from the reporting ESG, requires reasonable allocation of resources, to strengthen the position of farmers, where it is the most needed, and to help them adapt to the upcoming changes,” – the Association notes.

We won’t escape from sustainable production

– whether you like this or not, in the new Common Agricultural Policy, the word is and will produce sustainably, and from this we won’t escape. Those, who will not

develop, will stay in place, will lose. Agriculture, especially the sector of animal production, is already under

the pressure of new regulations and increasing market demands – states Jacek Zarzecki, vice president of the Poland

Sustainable Beef Platform.

– Fast action in reducing emissions may help Polish producers increase competitivenessboth on the domestic, as and European, before they start losing competitive position in the common market – adds Zarzecki.

Breeders cattle want new ecoschem. Will not be easy

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Breeders by-cattle want new ekoschemat. No will be easy

Technological support for farmers an opportunity for development

The Institute of Zootechniki in Balice has developed a directory of good low emission practices and calculator emissions, which enable farmers to monitor and document the actions taken. These tools also help to obtain certificates confirming the implementation of specific environmental goals. More and more often such documentation is required by themarket,andalreadywillbecomenecessary.

Themissions tradingsysteminagriculture(AgETS)isintheinitialphase.Ifitcomesintouse,itwillprobablyrequirefarmers,producersofmilkorfood,purchasecertificatesorrightstoemission.AsreiteratesAssociation,implementecoschem,,Reductionofcarbontrackinproducingandanimalhighquality”wouldprovideperfectpreparationforPolishfarmsforfutureregulatory requirements.Thankstoearlieractionsfarmerswillbeabletosignificantlyloweremissions,whichwillreducecostsrelatedtofuturepurchasesofcertificates.


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