The average pension in Estonia is 785 euros per month. The rise in prices for food, heating and drugs is particularly affecting the life of pensioners. Tell RusDelfi, with what difficulties you or your relatives have faced.What are pensioners being forced to save money on? Or or are you knowing that the increase in prices and tax changes have not affected the life of grandmothers and grandfathers? We will gather feedback and share your stories on the pages of the portal. If
necessary, we will send requests to government employees and politicians. At the end of 2024 year the average old-age pension in Estonia is 785 euros. In 2025 year the rate of income tax has increased from 20% to 22% now the state retains 22%. In this year the non taxable income of pensioners is 776 euros per month, and income tax is paid on the balance of this amount. So Some some pensioners whose pension is more than 776 euros, will receive less in their hands. For example, your pension is 800 euros. For older pensioners the non-taxable amount is 776 euros, so the taxable part is 24 euros (800 – 776 = 24). In 2024 year the rate of income tax was 20%, so with this part was retained 4.80 euros. After deducting the tax the pension was 795.20 euros (800 – 4.80 = 795.20). In 2025
year the tax increased to 22%, which means that the retention is 5.28 euros. After the deduction of the tax the pension is 794.72 euros (800 – 5.28 = 794.72). While the prices for food food and municipal payments are rising. In 2024 year the average inflation in Estonia was 3.5%. According to Swedbank experts estimates, by 2025 year prices in Estonia were the prices
in Estonia.will increase by about 4 percent. The biggest impact on the increase will be food and transportation. Prices for electricity and heating are also not decreasing. For example, in Narva Narva for “communal services” in winter many pay 50-100 euros more. Prime Minister Kristen Michal promises to continue the indexation of pensions. According to him, the budget strategy stipulates that in 2025 year the average old-age pension will increase to 813 euros, in 2026 – to 855 euros, in 2027 –
to 899 euros, and in 2028 – to 940 euros. At the same time the old-age
pensionwith44years of servicefrom1April>12025yearwill amount to813euros.In2025yearthepensionageforold ageis64yearsand9months.