
PZŁ about article “Rzeczpospolita”: Debate about hunting cannot be based on abuse

PZŁ o artykule „Rzeczpospolitej”: Debata o łowiectwie nie może opierać się na nadużyciach

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In Article Mikolaj Malecki “Delusion of wild” published by the journal “Rzeczpospolita” the author has extensively discussed the legal aspects of cases of unintentional shooting of humans in the track of hunting. Didn’t hide also the critical opinion in view of the January rejection by the Parliament of proposed legislation introducing mandatory periodic examinations for persons possessing weapons for hunting purposes. According to the


Hunting Union the publication contains however a range of abuses, which representatives of the union treat as disinformation.


Shootings on hunting are not only the fault of hunters

The author of the article cites among other examples of unfortunate accidents, which resulted from the confusion by hunters with animals. The text describes three such cases, of which the PZ³ considers the use of two of these to be manipulation. The first concerns the fatal shooting of a late 2023 year soldier at the military post in Szczecin. The second hazard – of November 2020 year concerns the death of a 16-year-old in Kluczkowice in Lubelskie.

As explains PZ£ in the incident in Secin the shooting was done by a private entrepreneur operating in areas excluded from hunting circuits.

What more, the incident had occurred on a fenced and guarded military field in the continuation of military exercises – translates


The second of the unfortunate accidents also was not the result of activities of hunters. The man, who shot the teenager turned out to be a

poacher with nothing in common with illegal

hunting . In PZ³ ‘s opinion using such situations is at least abusive.

To the subject we will return, because the project doesn't have, but the problem remains. Photo. Shutterstock/Longfin Media Read more Mandatoryresearch for hunters. There is a Decision of Sejm

Hunting essential for the economy and society.

The FMP also points out that the author of the article suggests, that today hunters do not receive any medical examination, which is obviously not true. Hunters applying for the issuance of permits for weapons undergo the mandatory medical examinations and psychological.

In its post the union also reminded of the key importance of hunting to the economy and public safety. Lack of control and regulation of wild animal populations would have such economic impacts (e.g. hunting harms and  spread of animal diseases of high economic

impact), as and exposure to the society to increased risk of road accidents with participation of animals.

The FMP also stressed that false information hitting hunters is harmful and leads the public in mistake.

Debate about hunting should be based

on facts, and not on emotional abuse – we read in communication PZ£.

ReadmoreThe obligationto renewmedical examinationscouldcost¼oftheactivehunter population



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