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- Polski Związek Łowiecki odniósł się do projektu nowelizacji wykreślającej wybrane gatunki z listy zwierząt łownych
- Autorzy opinii zwracają uwagę między innymi na negatywny wpływ nowelizacji na walkę z grypą ptaków i bezpieczeństwo ruchu lotniczego
- PZŁ przekonuje również, that covering a given species with protection does not always lead to rebuilding its
The Polish Hunting Association has presented its opinion on the revision of the Regulation on the establishment of the list of animal species. Warnings are sporadic.
In the post available, the POL hinted at a series of concerns about the shape of the amendment. In first order the relationship referred to the fact, that in the justification of the proposed amendments referred to data on the number of birds from the years 2005 – 2006 that is before 20 years. This is detailed with updated scientific data on trends in the numbers and impact of hunting on the mentioned in the project species of birds (among others.among others headlining, blackbirds and foxes). In its post (which is provided below) details the actual counts of these species.
Another argument posed by PZ£ is fact, iż wykreślenie niektórych gatunków ptaków z listy gatunków zwierząt łownych bez jednoczesnego wprowadzenia ich na listę gatunków objętych którąś z form ochrony doprowadzi w ocenie związku do pogorszenia ich sytuacji przez pozbawienie tych gatunków statusu prawnego oraz może naruszać zasadę spójności systemu prawnego.
Deterioration of the situation related to flu birds
Another problem is in the evaluation of the Polish Hunting Association the issue of fighting the virus of highly virulent flu birds. Many species now having status of hunting animals are reservoirs of virus HPAI. Hunters hunting for these species at the same time provide the Veterinary Inspection with material for research, which in a real way improves the knowledge of veterinary services on the current epizootic situation in a region.
Stopping shooting of w. species may in the evaluation of the Polish Hunting Association have negatively affect the effectiveness of surveillance of this unit disease. This aspect has been discussed.omitted in analysis of the project in the eventual impact on agriculture and the economy in the relationship with potential consequences resulting from limited possibility of monitoring of bird influenza. – reads in analysis GIW.
Safety of aircraft traffic
Additionally the Polish Hunting Association requests attention, that the regulation has direct impact on issues related to the safety of hunting (protection of biological airports by hunters).
– because of the significant limitation of the possibility of training in the frame of sokoling activities, the project should be referred to an opinion by the Polish Agency of Surface and Ministry of National Defense in the impact of the proposed regulations on safety of aircraft operations.
The POL considers unfair and unauthorized it also includes in the revision proposal a statement, that the share of birds shot by hunters may be even 20 – 30 percent. of the entire population.
There is no any reliable scientific research on this topic. It must be noted, that based on the binding laws in the hunting area, hunting for fowl may be performed under the condition of using dogs,. This proceeding minimizes the risk of leaving the shooter – we read.
Protection does not always influence the restoration of populations of birds
PZ³ indicates that, that the primary purpose of hunting on fowl is to obtain meat of excellent nutritional value. There is no possible to find in it a violation of any ethical standards. The more so, that as it shows from up-to-date scientific data, hunting use does not have a noticeableimpactonthetrendofpopulationofanimalspecies.
Aswereadinthe summary,PZ£stresses,thatdeletingaspeciesofanimalsfromthelistofhuntedanimalsandprotection,doesnotalwaysleadtoimprovingtheirsituation.Perfectexamplesaretherearesuchspeciesasthebuckandthegrouse.Theirpopulations- despiteintensivereintroductionactivitiesconductedamongothersbyhunters, remainatverylowlevels.InPZ³thisisanotherevidenceofthatthehuntinguseofbirdsminimallyinfluencesthesizeoftheirpopulation.