
Putin’s friends in Europe are losing influence

Друзья Путина в Европе теряют влияние

The leaders of Eastern Europe, who keep close relationships with Russian President Vladimir Putin and often ignore the European Union’s commands, become increasingly weak, analysts said. Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban and Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert

Fizo. Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban and Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fizo.

Photo: Olivier Hoslet


February 2025, 21:02

Leaders of Eastern Europe, who keep a close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and often ignore the directives of the

European Union, are becoming all more weak, analysts said.

Popular American American channel for investors CNBC writes, that the election of Donald Trump president of the United States should have inspired nationalist leaders, such as Viktor Orban of Hungary, Robert Fizo of Slovakia, the right AfD party in Germany and Marin Le Pen in France. But this impulse has become not so strong, as domestic problems and economic difficulties reduce their popularity and influence.

“The re-election of Donald Trump for a second term in the U.S. was perceived as a signal to structural changes, similar to the populist movements in Europe in the MAGA style, ” – noted Senior Strategist RBC Bluebay Asset Management Timothy Ash. MAGA – is thesloganofTrump’s”MakeAmericaGreatFirst” campaign.”However,inEuropethe situationismuchmoredifferentconfusing,andthepositionsofmanyTrump’ssupportersremainconstrained,”he added.

AndthepoliticsofManyTrump supportersremainconstrained,

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