
Protest environmentalists and farmers in Berlin: Politicians prefer large corporations

Protest ekologów i rolników w Berlinie: Politycy preferują wielkie korporacje

More than 60 environmental and agricultural organizations took part in a joint demonstration under the title “We have enough!”, which happens every year in Berlin during the Grüne Woche – donates Agrarheute. Saturday’s protest was held in front of Reichstag.

Because of the ongoing in Brandenburg an epidemic of flu organizers dropped the participation of tractors in the event. This does not mean however, that the demonstration lacked the appropriate size. This was caused by the chanted slogans and reported postulates. Probably the approaching big steps election has caused that farmers and environmentalists have not spared politicians their words and with more might demand change.

As read in Agrarheute, an alliance of 60 organizations participating in the demonstration “We have enough!” demanded a “reliable commitment and ambitious support from the future federal government for more ecological agriculture.” Protesters accused the federal government of inaction and “the largest withdrawal from agricultural policy in decades.” of which effect is the acceleration of climatic changes, but and uncertainty of planning in agricultural farms, especially those farms.

Demonstrators have also argued to politicians, that the interests of corporations are often treated prioritized, by which major companies such as Bayer-Monsanto, Tönnies and Cargill have and are profiting on the objectives of easy and expensive food for the population of the world.

An alliance of protesting organizations also stressed that there still is no legislation protecting agricultural land for food production, a investors outside agriculture in an uncontrolled way grab land and increase its price.

Agricultural policy of the last several years and decades has

not set agriculture on a bold course. The result is huge problems and no prospects for farmers – told

the media Olaf Bandt, President Association for Environment and Protection of Nature in Germany (BUND).

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