Such same idea has the Confederation about which we wrote in
the following article:
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Now has the city not sued the farmer for drinking cock
and scent of bork? Confederation has a simple solution
Member of iS Krzysztof Ciecióra informing of the proposal on Friday at the press conference in the Sejm, he recalled the issue of the judgment. farmer Szymon Kluki from the location Grodzisko near Lodz, who in 2013 had built a piggery for 360 pigs, receiving appropriate permits. The Appellate Court in Lodz ordered the farmer to pay 100 thousand £ to the neighbors for the scent nuisance.
– This case has caused great emotions in Poland (…). The Ministry of Agriculture has promised to take this issue and to prepare legal solutions, which will prevent similar convictions in
the future – said Ciecióra.
He noted, that PiS members are very disappointed, that the ministry “perfectly aware of this topic, for so many months has done nothing.”
This is why – as explained – PiS MPs have submitted a project to amend the law on shaping the agricultural system.
– This is an amendment of the law on shaping the agricultural system, which in short is to protect farmers conducting their activities traditionally on rural, agricultural, productive, to eliminate the situation, in which someone moves from the city, seeks quiet and peace, but ignores completely the fact, that the primary function of the village is the production of food and there are farmers, who produce this said.
MEP PiS Andrzej Sliwka assured, that the project was widely consulted with farmers; called for the Marshal of Szymon Hołownia to proceed quickly with the project, because – as he stressed – this proposal protects
Polish farmers. In a similar tone was spoken by PiS member Anna Gembicka.
– Mr. Marshal Holownia, I hope that thisThe project will not be lying in the freezer. Let’s get it quick, work on it fast, because it is related
to our food security – she said.
Ministry of agriculture however something is doing
It is worth mentioning, that the reform of spatial planning
in municipalities is being implemented. What we stand for now if it comes to guarantee and protect agricultural production, and what directionthechangesaregoing,aboutthisinthearticlebelow: