The scientist presented during the November Farmer conference “National Challenges in Agriculture” results of research from near Poznan in Greater Poland on the example of winter rape. He focused on this region, but stressed, how important it is to know the needs of the plant. It is from their needs and to their adjust your fertilization plan – then you can count on that it will be effective.
Comparing seasons by Prof. Zczepaniak
In a pictorial way prof. Witold Zczepaniak first characterized and recalled the weather conditions, with which we faced in the previous years, then went to describing the same procedures. As reported, the weather falls in 2023 year. this was a warm September, where the average day temperature reached over 18°C, a earlier rainfall in August reaching over 163 l/m2. These factors contributed to the intensive growth of thickness and high food demands. Then from October to February we practically had to experience the above-average availability of water, which from One side was glad, and on the other caused, that on many plantations it was not possible to enter and thus same to give quick transport to nitrogen.Latetemperaturedailyin Februaryreachedaverage6.2°C,whichin .