
Producers of oil and eggs were exempted from additional payments toretailers

Производителей масла и яиц освободили от допвыплат ритейлерам

FAS has banned FAS farmers from taking remuneration from suppliers of eggs and butter. It is expected that the prohibition of charging remuneration will allow to reduce costs when supplying products to retail networks, writes РБК. - Yuri A/Shutterstock/Fotodom – – Yuri A/Shutterstock/Fotodom

The Russian government included cream oil and eggs in list of socially significant goods for the purchase of which producers are notsigned February 1 . The measure is in including aimed at reducing the costs of suppliers when working with trade networks.

“On the proposal of the Federal Antimonopoly Service FAS Russia the list of goods for realization of which trade networks are forbidden to charge from suppliers remuneration, was expanded. It includes chicken eggs of first and

According to the current law on trade, retailers receive bonuses from suppliers for purchasing a determined amount of goods, but for socially significant products this practiceBanned.

“Prohibiting the charging fees will allow producers to reduce costs in supplying products to trade networks and direct released financial resources to modernize and expand production”, – says in the document.

In the government considers that this initiative can contribute to reduction of wholesale prices of producers for consumers, including in result of increased production of products.

B 2024yearimportsofcreamoilfrom Kazakhstanincreasedin 3fold

Poultry farms”Varaksino”and “Volzhanin”will raisereleasepricesfor chickeneggs

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