
Продажи телевизоров упали более чем на 11%

Продажи телевизоров упали более чем на 11%

Experts insist that interest in the segment has not declined, but the market has simply stabilized after the explosive growth of 2023 , reports “Ъ“. Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock/Fotodom

At the end of 2024 year. sales of TVs in Russia dropped by 11.3%, to 7.8 million devices, and their sales increased by 1,5% (234.4 bln rubles), Larisa Larisa Senina, director of the Department of Marvel Distribution, said Larisa Senina.

What is about the dynamics of sales, to say about the decline of interest in the segment would be a mistake, “So as in 2023 year we observed a very large growth in natural expressions, in 2024 year the market stabilized,” Senina added.

Leaders of sales were TVs Haier, Xiaomi, “Sber” and TCL. In “M.Video-Eldorado” confirmed the decline in demand for TVs and noted the growth of sales of devices of domestic brands – first from “Yandex” and “Sber”.

In the same time in 2024 year. was recorded almost twice increase in demand for TV set-top boxes (1.26 million devices for 4.8 billion rubles). The increased interest is explained by that setsetsets allow to make a TV smart gadget for viewing internet content.

New Year sales ofsmallhouseholdappliancesfirstdecreasedfromwinter2022/23year.

Laptopsareinthetop 3intheincreaseinpriceсредиэлектроники.

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