Elenger (formerly Eesti Gaas) will increase prices in the flexible package from 0.69 to 0,78 euros for a cubic meter of gas, while in the Alexela package with variable prices gas will rise from 0.69 to 0.71
euros, writes Rus.ERR. Illustrative photo. Photo: IMAGO
/ Christopher Neundorf
February 2025, 19:09
Elenger (formerly Eesti Gaas) from March will raise prices in the flexible package from 0.69 to 0,78 euros per cubic meter of gas, while in the Alexela package with variable price gas will rise from 0.69
to 0.71 euros, writes Rus.ERR.
The last time Elenger raised gas prices was in January, before the price was 0.59 euros per cubic meter.
The price of a package of gas for home with variable price Alexela changes every month, as according to the name of the package, and also steadily increases in small steps, beginning with 0.599 euros in November.
“We see that this year there are no signs of the usual seasonality, when spring and summer prices are trading lower, than winter, said manager of Elenger’s portfolio Christopher Weahy. – – It’s very unusual situation when prices for the upcoming summer will be so high, ascurrentpricesfortheupcomingwintermonths,andevenhigherthanthewinterpricesofthenextyear.”