According to the Prime Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo, the EU leaders will discuss on Monday at an informal summit the intentions of the President of
the US to impose duties on imports from the EU,
writes Yle. Prime Minister Finland Petteri Orpo Photo: Sander Ilvest
In the words of Prime Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo, the EU leaders will discuss on Monday
at an informal summit the intentions of the President of the US to impose duties on imports from the EU, writes Yle.
Trump stated to journalists at the White House, that it will certainly intend to impose duties on the EU.
“This is, of course, a very serious situation. We have already seen that it is also realizing its trade-political threats. But “So far no concrete proposals have been made,” Said Orpo, adding, that it is now important to act within the EU united, decisive,coordinateactionandconsideranegotiableposition.
According toOrpo, onMondayatanunofficialsummittheEuropeanleaders will considerthepositionandtheresponseoftheEU,ifthissituationappears.Orpothinks that we need to be well prepared.