The black series in the market takes at the best. Domestic manufacturers for the second week of have to measure gigantic declines in prices. All for the movement on the German big park. Recall: such as last week’s and yesterday’s quote ended with a decrease in prices by 10 euro cents. These reductions in direct ways reflected on the prices of domestic plants. Comparing today’s prices with those from early
years we see a difference of even gold.
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German market tunnels. Another large decrease in prices
Prices of tunnels in half of January
As follows from our today quotation the price of tunnels in class E scores now in range 6,40 – 7.25 £ net per kilogram. The average purchase price is present 6.74 £ net per kilogram.
In many supermarkets with contacted by our editorial the food prices have already fallen below the level 5.00 £ per kilogram. The lowest quoted by us value is 4.60 £ per kilogram. The best paying factory priced livestock at 5.50 £ per kilogram. The average purchase price is just 5.04 £ net per kilogram.
It is worth adding, that the current observed rates have returned to typical levels for the second decade of age. 10 years old rates of 5 £ per kilogram of livestock, or 6.50 £ per kilogram class E were
from the viewpoint of breeders quite favorable. In today’s market conditions running rates in no way can cover production costs.