After a series of drastic cuts in the first half of January the situation in the market for what seems stable. The established 15 January rate of 1.72 euro per kilogram of fat of 57 proc. has been supported also at yesterday’s auction of the large trading organized by association VEZG. The said rate will be in effect until the next Wednesday that is, 5 February.
In converted to national currency (according to euro rates of yesterday: 1 EUR=4.21 PLN) established by VEZG the rate is 7.28 PLN/kg against 7.30 PLN/kg in last week. The difference results from the minimum change in the euro exchange rate.
In national cups for the end of the last week the rates of order 6.55 £ net per kilogram class E and 4.95 £ per kilogram live weight were in effect. As you can see the distance between the national price, and German is already 75 groszy. According to all logic stabilization of the price in Germany should also bring no major changes in
domestic purchases. Tracking however the market situation over the last three months it appears unfortunately, that nothing can be sure.
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They flooduswithexpensivefattenantsfromGermany?Everyoneheard,nobodyhasseen