Unfortunately, there is no visible end of series of price buttons in Poland. Although in this week there are no these already as pronounced as in the first half month, that and yes the rates for livestock have fallen by about 10 pence, while the price of tuna in class E by about 20 pence.
According to our today survey fattenants in class E (according classification inbc) cost today averaging 6,55 £ net per kilogram, which means that by 20 pence less than it had been before a week ago. Rates vary in the range 6.25-7.20 £ net per kilogram.
From the countries live pork is priced now at about 4.55-5.50 £ net per kilogram. The average price of our today quotation is 4.95 £/kg – by 10 groats less than it was before a week ago.
Note that the current prices are the lowest since February 2022 year, that is
for nearly three years.
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