Units of territorial government and entities of public utility may benefit in the first quarter br. from preferential energy prices of electricity of 693 £/MWh. Must however submit an updated statement, Time to complete the formalities does not have too many – the deadline is going to end 31 January 2025 year.
New template statement: key to stabilize budgets
The Ministry of Climate and Environment has published a new model statement, which is necessary to enjoy the maximum price of electric energy in I quarter 2025 year. Securing budgets JST and public utilities against increases in energy costs is part of government support mechanism, which has been extended until March 2025 year.
Introducing the mechanism of maximum price energy allows authorities and public institutions to plan expenditures with more precision and secure funds for other necessary activities.
Who affects the statement?
The persons authorized to submit the statement are:
- Units of territorial government (JST), including municipalities, counties and voivodeships.
How to submit a statement?
The form must be sent to the seller of electric energy no later than January 31 2025 year. It is possible to submit the document in paper or electronic form, with using qualified electronic signature , a trusted or personal signature.
In the statement must include the following:
- Data identifying the recipient, including the address of the seat and contact data.
- Information about points of consumption energy (PPE): number, address, category customer and volume consumption energy.
- Confirmation of percentage of electric energy covered price maximum.
Market look at the mechanism of price protection
– Adjusting prices of energy to the budgetary JST and public institutions is not only an economic issue, but also social responsibility. From our perspective the key is to inform customers quickly about changes and provide their support in the process of filling documents. The maximum price energy mechanism is a safeguard against instability in the energy market – emphasizes Jaroslav Fabianski, president of the government.Direct4Energy.
Legal basis and consequences of lack of statement
The protection price mechanism is regulated by the law of 27 November 2024 year. Failure to submit a statement by the deadline results in application of standard prices arising from contracts with the energy seller.
Why is worth taking advantage of preferential prices?
The extension of the preferential price mechanism to the I quarter of 2025 year has a particular importance in calculating the projected increase in energy prices on the wholesale market. For JST and public entities this means real savings, which can be allocated to key local investments, development of infrastructure or activities supporting local communities.
The Ministry of Climate and Environment stresses, that protection of energy prices for JST and public entities is one of elements of a broader strategy to ensure economic and energy stability in the country.
For JST and public utilities the key is the timely submission of statements. This is not only an opportunity to stabilize budgets, but also an opportunity to plan activities for year 2025 more effectively. The current template statement is available on the website of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
How to change energy vendor ?
Entrepreneurs, who have ended the period of promotional pricing, will fall to the standard pricing of their vendor. The rates of such prices are even two times higher. The first high invoices are going to firms already on days.
– In the autumn some entrepreneurs waited with the decision to sign new conditions for the contract for purchase of electricity until the publication of the decision to extend or end the rate freeze. Others have become accustomed to that for the last two years their accounts were fixed and they have forgotten about their contracts. Now they may feel this happily. Entrepreneurs, who have expired promotional conditions on the contract for energy, will be billed at the standard price of their vendor. At the end of January they will receive invoices for current at the rate of even twice that, which actually is offered by trading companies – says Lukasz Pawlowski, manager of dedicated SME in Axpo Poland.
What is the standard price and why is the price in it higher?
Contracts for purchase of electric energy may be signed for time indefinite or indefinite, but in both of these cases the entrepreneur does not have to fear that he will be less of power, aWhat follows this is that he will have to stop his activity. Energy further will flow to his company, but its cost no longer will be billed according to special conditions agreed with the vendor.
- If the contract was concluded for an specified time and expired, the customer will be transferred to the reserve vendor on the so-called tariff. reserve tariff. The rate in such price is even fold higher than that now offered by resellers.
- If a contract has been signed for an indefinite period, but has ended the period of promotional conditions, the customer will still be billed to the selected vendor, but now will be subject to the standard price – about two times higher than if the customer extends the promotional terms.
– Electricity on the Poland exchange can be purchased in dependence on liquidity with about 4 years in advance. Promotional pricing conditions are established with the customer maximum for that period, for that at at a given time can purchase energy in the market. Sometimes the seller is in a position to offer it for a longer period, because it supplies energy from its own producing sources, buys they on the market over-the-counter or in direct contracts – speaks Rafal Jaglinski, manager ds. pricing policy and management portfolio for MSP.
Although most entrepreneurs in Poland never changed their existing seller of energy, from year to year and more of them are perceiving the benefits of this.ThedatafromtheOfficeofEnergyRegulationshows,thattotalinthefirstthreequartersof2024yearthecompanyturned15.8thousandcustomersbusinesses.Thisistwicemorethaninthewholeyear2023.
-By changingtheenergyvendorthe entrepreneurisabletonegotiateanattractiveoffer,adaptedtothecompany’sneeds,andalsodecidedtodecideonadifferentwayofbilling thantoday.Withthecurrent,lowerpricesofelectricenergythetrendfromthelastfew years has been reversed.More thanhalfofourcustomersoftheMWMsectorforyear2025haveselectedsettlementsatthefixedrate.Theratebasedoncurrentlistingsontheexchangewasdecidedby42proc.- saysLukaszPawlowski.