- From this article you will find out what the prices of cereals and rapeseed are in the first decade of August 2024.
- Harvest 2024 is coming to an end.
- There is not a high supply of grain in purchasing companies. Farmers are looking for wet corn prices from the 2024 harvest.
– Panic on financial markets also spread to agricultural raw materials. Wheat also had to lose, and rapeseed is paying the price for its dependence on petroleum and vegetable oil. The causes of panic on the stock exchanges are attributed to the weakening US economy, disappointing quarterly results of large technology companies and the deepening geopolitical crisis in the Middle East. Meanwhile, consumption wheat remains in demand in physical markets. Demand is growing slowly but steadily. So far, it was mainly traders who tried to cover their short positions, but from mid-September/early October at the latest, mills will also directly stimulate the demand side. Until then, stay calm and wait. If stock market prices continue to fall, cash bonuses have to and will do the trick. One fact is indisputable: Matif does not make paper contracts, wrote Przemysław Błażejewski from BST Brokers on the X portal. On Monday, on the Paris Stock Exchange, the value of rapeseed for November fell by 3.92%. up to EUR 453.75/t (approx. PLN 1,957). In the case of wheat, the decline was not so great, reaching 1.82%. to EUR 215.75/t (approx. PLN 929), and in the case of corn by 1.46%, i.e. to the value of EUR 203/t (approx. PLN 877). There are no discounts on cereals in our purchasing stores. Compared to the prices from two weeks ago, they increased by an average of PLN 20 per tonne. However, rapeseed prices decreased. Now everyone is wondering how long the corn will last? In the first price lists, wet grain ranges from PLN 430 to PLN 480 per tonne, while dry grain is valued at approximately PLN 300 more. We would like to remind you that at the beginning of September 2023, a ton of wet grain cost from PLN 400 to PLN 500. Even though it's only the first decade of August, the harvest is almost over. In the northern regions of the country there are still single fields to be harvested. The supply is also negligible, but when farmers sell grain, its quality usually varies, from a very high gluten content of over 30 to a low gluten content close to 20. As we learn from purchasers, a lot depends on the variety and location. Below is the detailed grain and rapeseed price list for August 2024.