
Прибыль работающих в Эстонии банков превысила миллиард евро

Estijoje veikiančių bankų pelnas viršijo milijardą eurų

Profits of banks operating in Estonia in the fourth quarter amounted to 427 million euros. With this for the every year the banks earned slightly more than one billion euros profit, wrote Elderly person

holds in hands money Elderly person holds in hands money Photo: Andrzej


Profit of banks operating in Estonia in the fourth quarter was 297 million euros. With that for the entire year the banks earned slightly more than one billion euros profit, writes

According to Bank Bank Estonia, the

significant deal of one of the biggest banks at the end of the year contributed to this, when a subsidiary of the subsidiary company was paid substantially more dividends than usually. If excluding this deal, profit for the last quarter of the year would be 169 million euros.

“If to correlate this with the assets of the banks, that is to calculate the profitability of the banks, the result of the last quarter of last year was 1.5%, that is slightly higher than the long-term average level, but notably lower, than, for example,in2023,”saidBank ofEstoniaeconomistGailiGruening.



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