The Government of Petersburg requested businessman Alexei Sergienko to demonemonstrate by 21 January the trade stalls on the embankment of the Griboedov Channel, near the Spas on Blood. Ob it write “Fontanka”.
Marianna Ianovska/ Shutterstock
Presentatives of the authorities state, that the contract of the lease of the territory was terminated as early as in As reported in the Committee for control of the property, the agreement of the lease with the entrepreneur was concluded as earlier in 2014 year. The goal was to establish the cultural and exhibition center “Vernisazh”, where the events in the culture and art, not connected with entrepreneurship. But on the leased plot at Spas on Blood appeared just stores – and it doesn’t correspond to the conditions of the contract. More than that, the stores, according to the officials, occupy in including the neighboring land plots. “The lease agreement was terminated because of repeated violations by the tenant. The claim to Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region for renewal of the lease was rejected by the Appellate Court. In August 2023 year the tenant was sent notices of the
Еслисобственникне демонтируетлавкисам,их будутобязаныснестигородскиеслужбы.