According to the latest report by the Central Statistical Office, as on day of 1 December 2024 year in Poland there were accurately 9 078 250 stocks of cattle. This is probably the lowest value in the whole history of US reports and probably the lowest since the end of World War II. W compared with the level before the year the pig heading shrank by 7.1 percent. On the other hand, in comparison with the June report this decrease is not so drastic and is “only” 0.6 percent.
At day 1 December the population of lochs held in the country was 599 707 pc. this was same as 9.6 proc. lower than before the year and by 6.7 percent. lower than in June 2024. This is one of the lowest values in history, though it should be added, that in reports of December 2022 and June 2023 recorded by GUS the head of sows slightly only exceeded the level of 590 tys. stocks.
Data GUS from early December are the same as data derived
from the IRZ
ARiMR system. At the end of November in the
Agency base there
were 9 109
365 animals registered.
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In Poland the cattle-heading is declining. Prices of buying livestock and milk
Poland is leading primarily in reduction of cattle
Looking at data from individual provinces we see, that almost the largest decrease in over the last year occurred in Wielkopolska.As late as the end of 2020 year in Wielkopolska bred by 2 million hundreds of animals than today. What is important other provinces have not necessarily compensated for this loss.The second increase in headage observed is in the Mazovian, Pomeranian or Warmińsko – Mazurian province, does not balance it however the loss of headage in Wielkopolska. In the lower graph we have presented data derived from the most important for production regions of the country.
Nearly in comparison
with December 2023 year only the Mazovian, Lodz
and Lublin provinces increased slightly the status of animals.
Record in quantity of imported animals
Another sad fact is a record high volume of live animals in Poland. According to reports from January to the end of November last year they went to us about 7 725 600 pieces of cattle – about 11.2 percent. more than in an analogous period last year and probably the highest value in history. The average weight of imported stocks was 32.4
kilograms, which suggests that the significant majority of imports are carcasses. GUS does not report the exact volume of imported
animals into fattening, indicates however, that has increased by 13.5 percent. against the state of the year ago.