
Poor prices of fat, but is it justified now to import pigs and meat fromGermany?

Kiepskie ceny tuczników, ale czy zasadny jest teraz zakaz importu świń i mięsa z Niemiec?

As we have informed before, while what has stopped festival bates on the German major tuning exchange. Recommended by VEZG price of fattenants at level 1.72 euros per kilogram of fattenant of 57 proc. 

Bartosz Czarniak spokesman of the Polish Association of Breeders and Producers of Pigs POLSUS indicates, that may be the situation after the outbreak of flu in

Brandenburg has already been controlled and reasonably assessed.


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VEZG: Black series of cuts in fattenants has slowed

Only the Polish, German and European meat branches wish that it were, because no other,

spreading infectious disease will build the profitability of meat production.

Footnote: Why

don't impose a complete ban for import of animals from Germany?

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Mumps: Why will not introduce a complete ban on imports of animals from Germany? Foot-and-mouth disease. Russia introduces ban import from EU sensitive animals

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Prussia. Russia introduces a ban import from the EU of sensitive animals

Watch for disinformation

We should also beware of disinformation elements, which in today’s social media are converging

with speed of light. Such as it was for cases of reports of suspected second focus

of flu in Germany.

Foot-and-mouth disease. GLW demonstrates publicity and

appeals to breeders

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Pryszczyca. GLW demonstrates publicity and appeals to breeders

– For this moment all reports about the second focus have been wrong, thanks to which specialists are starting to talk about this disease as an individual case. Although this situation does not directly affect our market, it is related to the relationships of our economies, and primarily through the dependence of price trends in Poland with those from across the Oder, this is hugely important. It is worth noting, that with usually along with changes in the prices of our western neighbor, the prices change and of us, though not always in the ratio 1:1 – writes Bartosz Czarniak.

A chance for Polish pork?

– Last week I informed about the reduction in Poland, which was proportionately lower, than that in Germany. Unfortunately, in early this week purchasers revised their prices and revised their rates. Yes, that now the proposed rates maximum do not exceed usually the level of 6.60 £ per kg in class E, that is by 70 pence less than in Germany! This is a colossal difference, which I cannot explain in a market way. The declines across the Oder are caused by the loss of many markets in the recurrence of flu, no there is a chance they will jump in the plants in Poland, because (at least part of it) has accreditation in such markets as South Korea, or also Great Britain. It is known, that such transactions are not conducted from day to day, the more that there are and others willing, however this should in my opinion affect the attractiveness of meat, which in its origin in Germany. A we have a different situation, in which we get much less, than farmers in the country, who have lost lucrative markets of sale and have production more adapted to their demand, whether there is satisfaction.on the exchange VEZG will transfer to the growth trend in Poland? – by, because the current price situation is not only unsettling, but primarily catastrophic for the Polish market and in such action will happen sooner or later to the buyers, who will seek to publish in Poland will pay for it happily, which has already happened substantially in the

far away past. The most important at this moment is to keep peace for farmers, because it is for a short period to

talk now about the crisis – there are to this order, but it is not the moment, to take drastic

decisions, the more under the moment – writes Czarniak.

In two weeks it will resolve, whether we will get  cheap pork from Germany

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In within two weeks will resolve, will we get cheap pork from Germany

Economic patriotism – does not exist in the meat industry?

Charniak emphasizes, to consider the creation of homes in the import of meat or animals from areas threatened with flu.

– At the end such digestion – of pig in Germany has not occurred in pigs (although this disease is and for their dangerous), a so there is no possibility, that meat with this virus will enter Poland. Yes it also is impossible for animals to enter and meat from airborne areas, because this would be related to falsification of transport letters, which is subject to punishment higher than the eventual profit. It is also impossible to transport animals through the air zones. This allisguardednotonlybyGermans,butandtheveterinaryinspectionandPolishborder guards.Anyinsinuationsthatmeat,orotheranimalspassingthroughGermanywereinfectedwiththeflu virusarenot true.WemaynotlikethefactofimportinganimalsfromtheWest,oralsomeat,butunderthelawthisisproperly done.Anotherissueisthemoralityofsuchactionsatthemoment,whenpricesinPolandareabout10%lower-.pisze.


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