Analysis of behavior of 1.4 million consumers in nearly 1.9 thousand largest restaurants of the fast food type in Poland showed, that in sub. in pizzerias the movement dropped by 3.6% in comparison with 2023 year. From counters in locals offering sandwiches and dishes of chicken increased on by 4.2% year. In the first places the number of customers decreased by 5.6%, and in the second – increased by 2.3%.
In both types of restaurants significantly increased the monthly average visit frequency. It can also be seen that not much changed the average time of visiting these places and is on about 23 minutes.
Traffic in pizzerias has declined by 3.6% rdr
As results from a report by technology firm Proxi.Cloud, which covers nearly 1.4 million consumers and nearly 1.9 thousands. the largest restaurant type fast food, in 2024 year traffic (footfall) in researched pizzerias declined by 3.6% year. In the same period in locals offering sandwiches and dishes with chicken there was an increase of 4.2% year.
– One of the potential reasons for the decline in pizzerias may be the increased variety of meals and prices in networks with sandwiches and dishes of chicken. Sustainable in last years inflation and pressure on revenue may influence the shift of consumers in the direction of the networks, offering dishes at more affordable prices. Same increase and decrease in movement is not significant and remains in the range to 5%, which should not be specifically discernible for the market – comments Matthew Choluj of, co-author of report.
Pizza for the road to the Polish pocket?
From analysis we know also about changes year to year the number of customers of the surveyed places. In the case of pizzerias there was a decrease by 5.6% rd. In contrast, locals offering sandwiches and dishes of chicken recorded an increase of 2.3% rdr. As states Matthew Nowak, the second of the co-authors of report from, the dynamics of increases and decreases in avoidable customers for pizzerias and networks offering sand dishes of chicken are approximate to the dynamics of motion. This proves that locals are losing or retaining specific customers, without major changes in visit frequency.
– The reasons for increase and decrease in avoidable users are analogous to changes related to movement. In specifically there is talk about inflation, and also about increased diversity of data and prices in the network offeringSandwiches and dishes of chicken. We don’t know however, whether we can talk about the transition of customers from one type restaurant to the other, because this was not covered in this study – adds Matthew Choluj.
The authors of the report stress, that in the report declines in movement and customers do not testify that the analyzed companies earned less, because this was not studied. Part of the movement could have been supported on income. However, the also analyzed the average monthly visit frequency. In the case of pizzerias, the average number of visits, per customer in one month, has increased rd. by 2.5% (2024 year – 2.4 visits, 2023 year – 2.3). With following in locals offering sandwiches and dishes with chicken we see increase by 1.6% rdr. (2024 year – 3.7 visits, 2023 year – 3.7).
– Average monthly frequency remains at the same level for pizzerias, as well as and for chains offering sandwiches and dishes of chicken. This is evidence of customers going to particular locations. The divergence in frequency between types of restaurants may be caused by increased product diversity in so-called chicken-burgers – adds Matthew Nowak.
From report we also know about the average time of visits to food type facilities. Inthe caseofpizzeriastherewasan increaserdr.by1.6%(averagetimepervisitin2024year-22:54,in2023year-22:36).In contrast,inlocalsofferingsandwichesanddishesofchickenwere observed todecreaserdr.by1%(averagetimepervisitinlastyear-23:06,yearprevious-23:18).