In 2024 year only 57% of People declared, that they succeeded in setting aside any measures, which is a discernible decrease in comparison with 72% in 2023 year – results from a survey conducted by Opinia24 on commission from company Tavex.
A similar situation we have in the case of young people (18-24 years old), who just two years ago were undeniably leaders in saving. However in 2024 year the situation had drastically changed. The percentage of young savers dropped by over 25 percentage points and was 72%. Although still remained the group, which saved the most in comparison with others, this decline is a clear signal, that young people have particularly received the deterioration of the economic situation.
On tle young people other age groups also recorded declines in interest for savers, though not so drastic. For an example, in the group 25-34 years the number of savers dropped from 82% in 2023 year to 68% in 2024 year. An even larger decrease is seen in groups 35-44 years and 45-54 years, where savings have been maintained by 63% and 61% of respondents, respectively. In contrast, older groups of age, such as 55-64 and 65+, have always had lower savings (55% and 54% in
2023 year), a declines in their cases were less disruptive (44% and 47% in 2024
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Why don’t save?
The biggest barriers remain approximate to those, which will in 2023 year, however, the their concentration has changed. In 2024 year the most common reason for lack of resources was for low earnings (30%). What interestingly, this percentage has not changed year-on-year. As shows this stagnation in earnings level is a key problem for many households.
However, it is worth one pointing out, that in 2023 year, this was not the main cause of Poland, a inflation (39%), which in 2024 year found to the second place, when this from respondents dropped to 28%. In the third place.ranked response as related to many expenditures (12%). Just behind the podium we have: fewer revenues (9%), allocating savings to the previously designated goal (9%).
– Results of research company Tavex reflect growing inequalities financial and limited capabilities of households in building economic stability . It is also worth noting the increase in interest of people declaring no need to save – from 1% to 4%. This may result from both pessimism about the possibility of improving the financial situation, as and from the lack of education in finance management,” – indicates Alexander Pawlak, president of Tavex. – The lack of savings on the social scale can lead to increased dependence on consumer credit and restriction of private investment, among other things. In the purpose of improving the
capacity to set aside financial measures are necessary systemic, in order to make as many people as possible to allow this . Financial stability is
not just an individual issue, but the key to the resilience of the economy in difficult times – he adds.
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How People invest their savings?
Nearly half of savers (42%) decided to invest their accumulated capital. This means that nearly every second saver has decided to invest their capital in diverse assets. Unfortunately, the remaining 58% favored not to multiply their money.
– The decision to start investment is not facilitated also by the current situation in markets and in world geopolitics. In the American market actions the history has already been over 15 years and it has become extremely expensive, especially in relative to other places in the world. However as publicly known, when America is not, the rest of the world has catar – comments Tomas Gessner, head analyst Tavex. – For investors very many unknowns in the perspective of nextmonths, primarily in the reaction markets to the very decisive, bold positions of the new, republican administration. From one side it wants to direct as much investment capital to the US, but from the other side bold, capitalist reforms may result in a momentary decrease in tax revenues, which with growing under the burden of huge debt budget may end with the mentioned “sneeze”, which will spill over the rest investment world – he adds.
In 2024 year the dominant secure forms of money placement, such as bank deposits (40%), investment funds (18%) and bonds of the State Treasury (15%). Still the popular choice remained gold (13%), which is valued for protection of capital against inflation and economic uncertainty . Similar interest was in real estate (13%) and cryptocurrencies (12%), which have gained popularity among people more open to risk.
– Despite real investment choices the perception of the attractiveness of different forms of capital placement doesn’t always overlap with practice. For example real estate is considered to be worth investment by 33% of People, while only 13% of actually decided not to. Gold
is recognized by 25% of respondents as a valuable investment, but – -similarly as above – only 13%
of actually allocated in it their savings – stresses Alexander Pawlak, president of the Tavex company. – Comparingopinionsandactualinvestment decisionsofPeopleshows,thattheperceptionofthe attractivenessofdifferentformsofsavings multiplicationisnotalwaysreflectedintheiractualchoices.Long-termeducationfinancecouldhelpmitigatethesedifferences-summarizes.