1 January 2025 year Poland took the second history presidency of Poland in the Council EU in 20 years of our membership in the European Union.
The Government emphasizes, that because of a series of challenges the foundation of the Polish Presidency in 2025 year. will be security in multiple dimensions: external,
energy, economic, food, health, information and internal.
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does agree with the content of the project and announces its own
What plans has for this time ministry?
The first task that sets its resort is to focus its in the work of the Council for Agriculture and Fish (Agrifish) on activities necessary for improving competitiveness of the agriculture sector, increase resilience to crisis and strengthen the position of European farmers.
We recognize, that these are necessary to stabilize the income of farmers, as and to guarantee safety of food. As presidency we have the role of responsible partner, efficient organizer of discussions and effective leader of multilateral negotiations. We are to be a neutral mediator and before all representative of the Council EU responsible for taking common decisions – we read in information ministry.
The Resort announces conducting a policy debate at the Agrifish Council on the announcement by the European Commission for agriculture and food. The results of this discussion will contribute to work on the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2027 year.
It is the solutions on the future WPR that will have a decisive impact on food security and stabilization of farmers’ incomes. They also have to build and maintain competitive and resilient European agriculture and develop rural areas. An important element is simplification of the WPR, adequate financing and taking into future enlargement of the EU – informs the resort.
Another task, which has been set by the ministry are activities for the EU .To rationalize the achievement of European Green Lad in agriculture, so that these are acceptable to farmers.
For this purpose we will hold a debate at the Council and prepare its summary in the form document with recommendations to the European Commission. The Poland presidency will also conduct a discussion on the implementation of the rural proofing principle (mechanism for verification of the impact of other policies on development of rural areas), to prepare recommendations for the Commission to act in the new Multiannual Financial Framework. The goal will also promote the effective combination of different resources of financing for development of rural areas, so as to maintain their vitality, including resistance to unfavorable demographic changes. Similar to the previous residences our residence will provide space for regular debate nt. situation in agricultural markets for the purpose of identifying actions necessary to eliminate disturbances in agricultural markets and call the Commission to take necessary actions – informs resort.
This is not the end of planned debates. Another of these are to discuss the status of issues in the international trade of agricultural commodities.
We will take large attention to the state of negotiations of the European Commission with Ukraine on modification of mutual conditions of trade on the basis of art. 29 of
the Agreement on EU-Ukraine. We expect to also continue the present discussion nt. agreement with Mercosur, which has raised many
concerns of the agricultural environment, the ministry announced.
As adds the resort priority issue for the presidency will also
strengthen the position of farmers in the supply chain. Prezydencja będzie dążyć do wypracowania jak najlepszych rozwiązań dla rolników w ramach prac nad projektem rozporządzenia zmieniającym rozporządzenie o wspólnej organizacji rynków rolnych oraz projektem rozporządzenia w sprawie współpracy krajowych organów w zakresie transgranicznego egzekwowania przepisów dotyczących nieuczciwych praktyk handlowych w sektorze rolno-Food.
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The changes proposed by the European Commission are expected by farmers. Today experiences and legislative solutions implemented at EU level, as and by individual member states, show the inadequacies of the system to combat unfair trade practices used against small and economically weaker agricultural producers by large buyers. Hence we see a great need for urgent processing and approval of the proposed changes – we read in information ministry.
The Polish Presidency will also continue work on
revision of regulations on animal welfare, in particular in the design of the Regulation on the protection
of animals during transport, with the purpose of harmonizing practice EU and improving enforcement oftheregulations.
ThePolishPresidencywillobjectivetowork outagreedwithmemberstatessolutionsforpartoftheregulations,tomakepossibletofurthercontinuationofwork.ThePolandpresidencywillalsohaveattentiontopreservingcompetitivenessofthebreedingsectorofplants.Therewillbea.k.a. thepresidency.continuedworkontheprojectregulationonnewgenomictechniques.Inthecasethatwillhappeninthegroupofthemendmentson.patentsatisfactorytomostmemberstates,thePolandpresidencywillmakeeffortstoworkoutthegeneralCouncil-informsresort.