From analysis of global think tank GLOBSEC it appears, that countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania or Greece are not prepared to increase the share of RES in their energy systems.
What more, they have low ambitions in this area, which may hinder the achievement of European and national climate goals and lead to increased energy costs. From the best prepared for implementation of ZE in Europe are including the Scandinavian countries, Spain,
Austria, France and Latvia.
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In European Union 48 proc. energy electricity comes from renewable
Barrier carbon and need flexibility
Report indicates, that the main barrier to developing renewable resources in Poland is the dependence of the energy system on coal and the slow implementation of solutions to increase flexibility of the grid.
One of the key solutions supporting the flexibility of the energy system are among others. energy storage facilities, intelligent metering or programs such as Demand Side Response, in which energy consumers (e.g. enterprises or data centers ) can adjust the level of energy consumption, influencing the same stability of the network. Experts stress, that without decisive development of tools to manage demand and supply of energy it will not be possible to fully exploit the potential of RES.
The Polish energy system faces two key challenges of transformation. The first is the significant dependence on carbon, which with increasing costs of emissions CO2 is translating into high energy prices. The second is the need to increase the flexibility of the network, which requires implementation of modern solutions. Operators of transmission and distribution systems need tools, which do not only provide
sufficient reserves of capacity and allow to avoid overloads, but also enable customers to access and efficient use green
energy – indicates Bartlomiej Jaworski, Senior Product Manager at Eaton.
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Investments an opportunity for Poland’s energy
The authors report point to the need to change priorities in financing the energy transformation. Instead of further subsidizing renewable energy sources, which now are already competitive cost-wise, should focus on expanding and modernizing transmission and distribution networks. Stress at that the financing of these investments should not be directed by increases in energy tariffs, which might slow the energy transition. Key is also to improve administrative processes related to permitting the expansion of the grid.
The Ministry of Climate and Environment wants to allocate over 2,5 billion £ from the National Reconstruction Plan for investments in expansion, modernization and digitization of transmission networks. It increases the opportunities for the development of the domestic energy industry. Investments are to facilitate the integration of renewable sources and increase the level of reliability of energy supply.
As indicates the GLOBSEC report part of transforming the energy grid should also increase their security. In the framework of these measures should include investments in protection against cyberattacks and other incidents, which could deteriorate their operation.
In order to be effective to manage the security of this part of critical infrastructure, will need qualified employees and appropriate procedures to prevent threats and fight them.
In perspective of the next five years a key role will play wisely plan actions at level energy policy, cooperation between industries and dialogue with authorities. Investment in grids should be a priority, because a significant hamper to the development of renewable energy sources in Poland is no longer their price, but infrastructure constraints. An example of challenges related to transmission and receipt of energy from RES is the increasing number of connections to the grid,Remote exclusion farms photovoltaic or problem with transportation of energy from farms wind in the country – points out Bartlomiej Jaworski. – The shift of accounts from subsidizing RES to development of the transmission network and distribution seems so inevitable. Because of the quite long period of implementing projects for
creating new networks, all government programs or implemented regulations should in first order encourage investors
to increase the performance of already existing infrastructure, among other things. by increasing its flexibility –
adds Bartlomiej Jaworski, among others.
The transformation of Poland’s energy industry is not just an issue of achieving EU goals of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, but also an opportunity to build a modern and competitive market, attractive to investors and beneficial to consumers.
AlthoughtheGLOBSECreportindicatesseriouschallenges,at the same timeindicates,thatPolandhasopportunitiestoacceleratetransformation.It will be necessarytodothiswilltaketheavailablefinancing opportunities,adoptappropriateregulationsandtransferinrealactionssuchinitiativesastheNationalPlanintheenergyandclimate(NAPE). Source:EatonPoland,GLOBSEC .