In the leisure sector for the second year in Kiev successfully operates an interactive food court, attracting visitors and advertisers. This innovative format has become a true magnet with wide opportunities in the largest TRC Ukraine Lavina Mall.
The interactive food court combines restaurant, shopping and gaming formats, creating a comfortable and modern atmosphere for visitors, encouraging their leisure, as it allows they to order food without lines through multimenus with delivery of meals directly to the table. The variety of games on tables attracts children and adults, increasing by some fold the number of visitors on weekdays, and on weekends . The presence of a multitude of applications allows to continually update the game assortment, allowing visitors to find something new and interesting for themselves.
Antivandal multi-touch tables (4-seat – – 1.27 m x 0.74 m; 2-seat – 0.64 m x 0.64 m) supports more than thousands of simultaneous touches, even even when the table is overflowing water. The design and construction of the table are designed for use in public places and to realize a new advertising business model, the European Network Internet of things that has already been recognized by advertisers including the world brands like Coca-Cola.
Benefits of an innovative solution for different businesses, and namely, what each benefits each of the sides:
- mall entertainment centers – efficient use of the food court area, which has not been leased before, and now not only attracts visitors, but also rationalizes logistics. Since as instead of chaotic walks to cafes visitors seat right away at the table and order the food, reducing by 30% the load on the hall, which provides savings of time for each visitor and increases the revenue of the TRC;
- advertisers – accurate focus content on the focus attention of the targeted audience, Since the visitor is not directly interacting with the advertising message on a multi-touch screen of the highest quality 4K (1920×1080 px). Accordingly advertising messages on the digital tablets and in the stylization of games excite positive emotions of visitors;
- cafes and restaurants – increase revenues and reduce the costs of external service, as with multimenus the order is automatically delivered to the kitchen, the visitor orders more meals and beverages, watching live video pictures of high quality on multi-touch screens of the< latest generation;
- stores – advertising on a multi-touch food court gives the opportunity to attract the consumer, who already is in the TRC and who needs only to remind of the product and brand. For this it is possible not only to placed on the table advertising, but also to install a camera in the area of the store, so that the visitor of the interactive food court can control it with their food.
- visitors – payment is done through QR code, access to a wide assortment of meals, convenient selection and delivery of order instead of a queue. Comfortable environment encourages increased ordering, and also allows average checkout by creating a restaurant service while maintaining the format of a classic food court.
So such interest in new technologies will contribute to the increase of visitors to the RCC. Advertising innovation opens up unique opportunities for stores, as every third visitor to the shopping centers goes into the food court and sees a virtual window on an interactive table , that contributes to increased sales, the brands represented on it.
By spending time at the table, visitors directly interact with the brand, collecting puzzles, drawing, playing hockey and using other opportunities for leisure. This means that the duration of advertising contact becomes maximum. Information about brands on multi-touch tables becomes an exclusive opportunity for advertisers to organize sustainable interaction with the audience in natural, friendly environment, when the message is received positively and is better remembered. It is common knowledge that tastyfood affects the production of the hormone happiness, and serotonin, in its part, contributes to memory.
Every contact with the brand is effective and genuine, as the smart system table determinesbydifferentcriteriaquantitativeandqualitativequalityindicatorsofadvertisinginteraction.Intheresulttheadvertiserreceivestheeffectofnewpotentialcaptiveaudience,whentheengagedaudienceturnsintofriendly,withlong-termremembranceofthebrand.InteractivetechnologieshelptheTRCusetheFood Courtefficiently,bringingtheirtenantsprofit,andvisitorscreatecomfort,formingnewstandardsofqualityservices.