- New genomic techniques (from New Genomic Techniques), in abbreviated NGT, describe different modern techniques applied in breeding plants.
- In the scope of this concept functions mainly those methods of breeding, which have appeared or have been developed after 2001 , when the Union legislation on GMO was adopted.
- The main task of NGT is changing the genome.
No one can however possess a mark of equality between plants NGT a GMO
Why? Before all the plants NGT are modified in within the same gene . In contrast, into the genome of plants GMO is supplied by foreign gen and what importantly (as opposed to NGT) – this gen can be detected through official controls. Modifications within NGT are close to those that can be obtained in a conventional way. Applying these techniques, it speeds the same construction process and obtains qualities, that achieving by traditional methods would be very difficult or long. In a relatively short time you can obtain varieties resistant to diseases, pests, stress abiotic, with smaller requirements for fertilization or protection, with greater content of nutrients etc. Potential is very large. Some believe, that NGT is a breakthrough in breeding plants and thus its antidote to environmental problems or related to climate change.
Europe must open to NGT
NGT became the motif for the conference “New techniques genomic. Proposals for innovative agriculture”, which was held at the end of November and was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village and Institute of Breeding and Acclimatization of Plants – State Institute of Research. The conference focused on not on on the complex nomenclature related to new genomic techniques, but also explained, what this breakthrough might mean for European agriculture. The sound of the conference was that all are agreed, that NGT is a powerful tool, which can contribute to a more resilient and sustainable agricultural and food system. It is important however, that the commercialization of these methods be guided by appropriate legislation, in such a way, that there is no disturbance of market relations.
Regulations do not stay behind the progress in plant breeding
The development of new genomic techniques is progressing very fast. As has mentioned before, does not stay in the market.behind this EU regulations. How is this in great abbreviated possible to represent? Europe creating restrictive regulations in the plant GMO, in a some way closed to their development. The fight over GMOs had in Finally the European Commission, seeing that the Union is losing competitively, that has an unfavorable legal environment, has discussed this topic. And so after after over 10 years came with an initiative into a completely new legislation created for new genomic techniques. The opinions of member countries were gathered, a community consultation was held and a project regulation regulating plants NGT was prepared. The draft regulation on plants NGT prepared by the KE was published on 6 July 2023 . It has been submitted in parallel to the Council EU and EP. The purpose of this project is to facilitate the introduction into marketing of plants NGT, which are considered to foster sustainable development. Today work is underway on the final version of the regulation. April 24 2024 year the PE completed its work and adopted its amendments to the project prepared by the PE. The regulations are then on the last straight. However, there is still discussion about the final view of the Regulation, and the thread lively discussed is the shape of the Regulation in context of protection of small and medium sized farming and patenting plants NGT. As announced by Minister Czeslaw Siekierski, the Polish presidency will continue work on this document and may play an important role in the negotiations. Wants to go to close the work on this regulation. – The subject is extremely updated and important, because our presidency is approaching – said at conference Siekierski. The main pillar of this regulation is that there is introduced in the project two categories of plants NGT: category NGT 1, which has to contain up to 20 genetic modifications and category NGT 2 – above 20 genetic modifications. Division is very clear. – From what does this border 20 result? Why not 50, why not 7? And here the European Office of Safety Food explained, that this results from experience science, from the scientific literature. Science shows, that to 20 changes can occur under natural conditions. Hence this contractual mathematical boundary, which brings plants NGT closer to traditional plants. NGT1 therefore are to be in doctrine treated as equivalent to conventional plants. The assumption is that they will not be treated as GMO plants and There will be these very restrictive regulations, what are in force today for GMO – explained at conference Malgorzata Wozniak, head of Department of Protein Security and Genic Resources in the Department of Breeding and Protection of Plants in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development . The second category, NGT2, is supposed to be a category treated less than as GMO. Development of this category will be restricted by restrictive environment legislation. The differences between NGT 1 and NGT2 are presented by MRiRW in Table 1.NGTOver what is discussed?
Who supports the current draft regulation ws. NGT?
In current form support the current project regulation:
- Spain,
- Portugal,
- Sweden,
- Finland,
- Denmark,
- Estonia,
- Netherlands,
- Czech Republic,
- France,
- Italy.
Repudiated by:
- Austria,
- Hungary,
- Croatia,
- Slovenia,
- Slovakia,
- Romania,
- Bulgaria,
- Poland.
States have not defined yet Germany. Why? Germany has a very diverse market in itself. They have their large manufacturers, but they have and smaller companies, which perceive the threat from strong conglomerates.
As explained further Mgorzata Wozniak, countries, which support this regulation, are already some tired of this discussion. They know because, that the longer we discuss, the more in so Europe will remain.
Counting on that, that the committee will withdraw that project, that something will happen.suddenly stands, this is an illusory impression. Most want to work on this further. There remains one issue – the concern – said Malgorzata Wozniak.
Poland cultures are not prepared for NGT
for dynamic development of new genomic techniques (NGT) with concern look at small and medium sized building companies, which are not prepared to compete in the market with giants breeding. What this might mean in practice? His perspective on this issue was presented during the conference by Marek February from Plant Breeding Shooters. In his statement he appealed, that the final form of the Regulation would be protected with appropriate safeguards and regulations, which would protect the market from unequal competition. Indifferently according to the small and medium sized construction enterprises may be wiped out of market and a monopoly will prevail, which will be disadvantageous to the farmer as well.
Where is the concern of Polish farmers about the NGT? This would have to determine, what stage we are prepared for this topic. If it is about Poland, good news we don’t have. As explained Marek Luty, Polish construction companies are at the stage of starting researchwork.Foreignmediumconstructioncompanieshavealreadydevelopedconcepts.On the other handlargeconglomerateshavealreadydeliveredtopracticeconcretesolutionsorareclosetophasesofimplementationofnumerousproposalsdifferent.
AccordingMarkFebruaryDecisionsatEUlevelareveryserious.Innovationscannotbeblocked,butaccesstothesemustbeconsidered,tomaintainmarket balance,whichalsobenefitsthefarmer.
Ifthelawnowwillbebadlyimplemented,thatshouldberemembered,thatthelawdoesnotworkbackwards,soifwehavetoopenthisfurtorthat,thatlet’sdothiswith head-appealedFebruaryattheendofhisspeech.
WhentheRegulationwillbeadopted?Workiscontinuingand it countsonthatduringthePolishPresidencytherewillbesigningappropriatedocuments.We willinformondailyonfarmer.pl. detailsand changeswe willinformononfarmer.pl.