- The first case of weed resistance to glyphosate has been confirmed at a farm in County Kent.
- Grass virulent is a difficult weed to control, especially if it occurs massively in beans crops.
In Great Britain not the bearing beans, a decided frequently the poplar, the stalk and the shear weed beans. Their fighting is and more complicated, because of their resistance to available active substances. The problem with weeds is so large, that some farmers for this reason have to modify the shift, or in extreme cases for a period of time to give up the crops. Some
of these have also returned to ploughing, as a method of reduction of weeding.
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Prof. Damszel on NWWR of resistance agrophages in the presence of withdrawal of other active
Methods complex multistage of combating noxious weeds on islands have been developed.
In many programs, for pre-emergent fight also use glyphosate, which is commonly used in less crops.
Obviously there is no direct relationship between based crops, and the phenomenon. In many cases, however it is the use of excessive propagation in cultivation and in poor alternation that has led to the common problem of compensation of weeds on many farms in Great Britain. This from the county forced on farmers the frequent use of protection plants without rotation and therefore there has been selected also in the agricultural space of resistant biotypes. This now also affects glyphosate, which as is known has not yet received a replacement.
Glyphosate on Island is applied between other stubble, when
there are single-leaved weeds. This allows to reduce the population of noxious weeds to such that you can implement traditional methods.weeding
crops, based on traditional mor.
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First case of resistance on Islands
From 2019 year. organizations ADAS and NIAB tested over 300 samples of seed weeds for resistance to herbicides. Through this period no resistance to glyphosate has been established in any of the tested samples, though some other cases are now under investigation.
It is worth knowing, that this is not the
first case in Europe. There have been reports of this: in 2006 in Spain and
in 2012 . in Italy. W on global scale most cases of
resistance to glyphosate involve North and South America.
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How discovered this case?
In County Kent identified clumps of multifloral scilla (Lolium multiflorum), which have survived appropriate treatments on glyphosate base, which have been performed before sowing spring plants.
– Further tests conducted by ADAS on plants grown from seeds collected on farm demonstrated, that the maximum dose was not effective in fighting the plant, when applied in ideal conditions in the greenhouse – were informed in the communicate.
The incident this inspired to this, to look more closely at the problem of weed resistance to glyphosate in British farms. It was therefore decided that in the next seasons they would perform screening tests on living plant samples provided by farmers or advisers. ADAS would nadapriorytet próbkom o najwyższym ryzyku i przekaże wyniki, abypoinformowaćodziałaniachwterenie(wynikiposzczególnychtestówilokalizacjebędąpoufne).Chociaższybkietestyidentyfikująpopulacjewysokiegoryzyka,niewskazująone,czyopornośćnaglifosatwystępujewskalipolowej.Potwierdzeniezjawiskaodpornościskładasiębowiemzwieluetapów.