
Phosphate ammonium none has name

Fosforan amonu niejedno ma imię

Both nitrogen, as and phosphorus, are among macronutrients, and therefore food components supplied to plants in large amounts. In sowing fertilization, alternatively for fertilizers NPK, the use is common ammonium phosphate, a actually different ammonium phosphates, because under the common name are hidden in reality fertilizers of different composition. What is interesting, is one of the longest available on the Polish market types of mineral fertilizers, because in GUS data the prices of ammonium phosphate started being published as already in 1972 .

The form of nitrogen in phosphate ammonium

Not from now is known, that the form in which we provide plants with nutrients is important. For example, this place we described this on the example of nitrogen in ammonium and salts. If we already are at nitrogen,

in ammonium phosphate, as its name indicates, it occurs in ammonium form.

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Azot this is taken by plants slowly, but for this its stocks may stay longer in soil. It is used primarily to build amino acids, from which form proteins, and also stimulates phosphorus uptake, sulfur or boron and stimulates the development of the root system and natural resistance of plants. The uptake of this form of nitrogen is favored by appropriate moisture soil.

Phosphorus in phosphate ammonium

Phosphorus is responsible in plants among other for the development of the root system and stimulation of the node, a also increases resistance to drought, frost or disease. Enter in composition of organic compounds regulating the process of photosynthesis and influences the transport of mineral components through cellular membranes.

Although doses of phosphorus fertilization are dosed in kilograms of P2O5, plants similarly as for other elements, do not take the oxide form, a anion.

If it comes to phosphorus, it will be HPO4(2-) or HPO4-.Both forms are well soluble in

water and easily absorbable in lightly acidified environment by also supplied in ammonium phosphate and

ammonium cation NH4+.

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What important, this effect of acidification has a positive effect only for a short time. The optimum reaction for phosphorus absorption is pH 6-7, a with long-term acidification this element will substitute to unabsorbable phosphate iron and aluminum, becoming useless. From this also because in practice the use of phosphorus from mineral fertilizers is usually 30-35 proc.

Phosphates DAP and MAP

Phosphate ammonium from chemical viewpoint is the salt ammonium

acid orthophosphorus. It is worth while to know, that there are such salts differentiated in several ways. Naturally there is only one

of these – tri ammonium – however it is unstable and releases ammonia, converting into diammonium

hydrogen phosphate, which has applications in widespread in chemical industry.

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From the agricultural point of view we are interested in other sole ammonium acid orthophosphorus – mono- and diammonium. The monoamine salt is ammonium phosphate MAP, a diammonium – DAP. What is the difference? Leaving aside already the language chemical and focusing on practical aspects in agriculture, the fertilizers that differ in composition, a specifically the proportion between nitrogen and phosphorus. Standard composition of fertilizer DAP to NP 18:46, a in the MAP – NP case. 12:52.

Polyphosphate ammonium

Other issue is not very popular in

Polyphosphate . ammonium polyphosphate, a actually its solution, known as APP. In 100 kg of nitrogen there are 10 kg

of nitrogen and 34 kg of phosphorus or 11 kg of nitrogen and 37 kg of phosphorus. It is worth

stressing, that “poly” in the name means, that we are dealing with a polymeric structure, meant to increase the availability of phosphorus to plants.

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Proposition KE ws. cel na nawozy ze East. Group Azota comments

What importantly, is not a solution ofanygranularphosphateammonium,acompletelydifferentproduct,aliquidformingfromconcentratedphosphoric acidandammonia.Phosphorusisinitavailableintheformpolyphosphateandorthophosphate.Applicationisperformed,similarasinthe caseofRSMwithasprayerandwhichisimportant,bothfertilizersmaybemixedwiththethatAPPisrecommendedtopourintothesprayerasfirst.

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