
Perekryostok” and “Borjomi” have launched “Perekryostok” and “Borjomi” have launched “Perekryostok” and “Borjomi” have launched “Perekryostok” autonomous cargo transportation by autonomous transport

«Перекрёсток» и «Боржоми» наладили грузоперевозки автономным транспортом

The Perekryostok and have first cargo transportation of goods by autonomous transport to the distribution centers of the company. Regular freights are carried out between Moscow andSt. Petersburg on highway M-11 “Neva” on the basis of autonomous tractors of Navio.

Source: X5 Group

Source: X5 Group

In as part of the pilot project the semi-trailer “Crossroads” delivered to warehouse of the supplier, where it is loaded with goods and is delivered to

In the

In in the

“Perekryostok”and MC “AstrumReal Estate”signedan agreementon strategicpartnership

Perekryestokincreasedstaffроботов-мойщиковболеечемв 5раз

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