According to preliminary data, in 2024 year in Estonia in Elron passenger trains were used by 7.93 million passengers, which is one percentage more than the year ear earlier. In December trains in Estonia were used by more than 636 636 000 people, which is one percent fewer
than the year ear earlier. Trail Elron on the rail in the rail station in Narva. Photo. Photo: Ilja Smirnov
According to preliminary data, in 2024 year in Estonia in Estonia passenger trains of the Elron company used 7,93 million passengers, which is one percent
more than the year ear before. In December in Estonia trains were used by more than 636 636 000 people, which is one percent fewer than the year earlier.
” In the past year the number of passengers in together continued to increase, despite the scale of work to upgrade infrastructure, which significantly limit the capacity to serve passengers, ” said spokesman Elron Christo Miae.
“The biggest impact of the reconstruction of infrastructure has been on the passenger traffic in the southern direction, where the Tapa-Tartu line is electrified and reconstructed to receive the new Schkoda trains. “In the southern direction number of passengers has reduced by 16 percent compared with the year earlier,” Mäe added.
In 2024 year 7.93 million passengers traveled 7.93 million in Estonia, which is 100 000 more than in 2023 year. The largest number of passengers were registered in May – 744 000 people.
In May May – 744 000 people.In the western direction, on the lines Tallinn-Keila/Turba/Paldiski/Kloogarand the number of passengers in 2024 reached 3.77 million people, which is 11 percentage more.
On the Tallinn-Aegvijdu/Rakvere/Narva route in east direction there were 1.74 million passengers, which was 1 percent fewer.
In the southern direction on the route Tallinn-Tartu/Koidula/Valga transported 1.3 million passengers, which was 16 percent down, and in the southwest direction on the route Tallinn-Rapla/Turi/Viljandi – 1.11 million passengers, which is 2 percent less.
In December 2024 year more than 636 636 000 passengers traveled on trains, which is one percent fewer than the year ear earlier. The number of passengers increased by 12 percent in Western destinations, but decreased in other destinations: by 3 percent in southwest direction, by 5 percent in east direction and by 22 percent in south direction. In December the most popular routes were Tallinn-Turba with 104277passengers,Tallinn-Paldiskiwith104104277passengersandTallinn-Aegvijduwith77245passengers.
Elron-is astatetransportenterprisethatoperatespassengertrainsonrailwaysownedbyEestiRaudteeASandEdelaraudteeAS.In2024yearElronElrontrains made7.93milliontrips.