
Palgov has resigned from his post as chairman of the ManagementofTezTour

Пальгов покинул пост председателя правления Tez Tour

Post chairman of the management of the tour operator Tez Tour has left Konstantin Palgov, according to information Lursoft Klientu portfelis.Olga Dromina will continue to work in the management of the enterprise . Now she is the only member of the management,
but the statute says that there should be two people. A representative of the enterprise in a conversation with the agency LETA did not specify the reasons for Palgov’s leave from the management, but noted, that he plans to work in the European tourism industry and will be
along with Tez Tour, to share their experience and help the company
keep its position in the market. The changes in the management of the company were entered into the Register of Businesses on Monday, 6 January. Tez Tez Tour turnover in 2023 year increased by 21.49% – to 39.45 million euros, and profit was 0.57 million euros. On the background of growth of turnover
the size of profit dropped by half. The main reason is external factors, including the level of inflation, and the accession to the Middle East conflict. At this reason is the demand for
tourism to Egypt. According to Data Lursoft IT, the only owner of Tez
Touris aincorporatedinSpaincompanyGERMESINVESTSL,andPalgovistheonlyownerandmanagerofTezTourBaltic,whichwasregisteredin2014.Butinthelastyearthecompanydid notreceiveanyincomefromitsactivities.

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